


Judge Christina Peterson's arrest and disbarrment

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Be Unstoppable 

It is possible to be unstoppable because greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world. Did you read this with your heart? I said the Greater One lives in you! You have a life partner steering and cheering you on. This is the time in our lives when we have to make a quality decision to be steadily focused, cross the finish line and obtain God’s promises for our lives. This means you have to actually see yourself crossing the finish line and winning the trophies in your life.

You can be unstoppable.

Everyday we hear news about people succumbing to life’s circumstances, giving up hope and caving in. No one is exempt from troubled times. These are times in which the dip in the economy has caused a rise in trials and tribulations. I recently said to a group that trouble knows everyone’s address, but trouble doesn’t last always.

You may have come across many delays in your life that you have allowed to turn into many disappointments. As a result, your vision may be somewhat clouded causing you not to realize that the delay may be just a process.

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Kingdom Principles for Financial Empowerment 

This week I want to share with you some practical principles I’ve learned for day to day living. Many who I talk with have concerns about their finances. With today’s downturned economy causing massive unemployment rates, many people are running scared.

This should not be so in the body of Christ.  As Believers we are directed to operate in the economy of the Kingdom. Included in that is not worrying about tomorrow. Jesus said it like this, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26).

There is a way to prosper in the Kingdom of God. God’s Kingdom functions according to the law of seedtime and harvest and the purpose of resources is not only to be able to live comfortably, but to also expand the Kingdom of God in the earth. In the Kingdom of God, our resources belong to God and are to be used as He directs. When we sow financially into the Kingdom, we reap from the Kingdom, and the harvest we reap can be used to bless other people.

Everything about God’s way of doing things is designed to be a blessing to others and not just to uplift ourselves. God’s process for acquiring finances in the Kingdom involves character development, patience and faith alongside these practical day-to-day principles:

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Reclaim Your IDentity: Change How You See & Think

Visionary, decisive, disciplined, passionate, strong, adventurous, optimistic, fearless, independent. These adjectives describe the woman who owns her identity. This is the woman who has come from behind the shadows of others into the light of who God has created her to be. She is making her mark in the world and serving her gift to humanity. She makes no apologies for it. Yet she is both charming and compelling. This woman is you if you choose to accept your assignment.

This week I just want to talk to you— woman to woman, okay?

I’ve seen women give up the pursuit of her dreams in favor of helping her mate achieve his. She may withdraw from her studies for “just a while” while he gets his law or medical degree, expecting him to one day return the favor. But the day of favor never comes. He’s now in the spotlight and she has “willingly” lost her way. She sees him as the influential mate, and she succumbs to becoming subordinate, complacent, weak and unfocused. She has lost her identity to the light of his.

In the same vein, she may be a woman with a corporate career desiring to reach higher, but is afraid of losing herself or values in the process. Maybe she’s a woman who feels conflicted in pursuing her vision while caring for her family. She also could be a wife and mother who has for so long given of herself to others but has lost her own way of fulfilling her identity. And then, there is the woman who lives with regrets, shame or condemnation, who seeks to know who she really is.

The descriptions above are the reality of how some women think about themselves and life in general. I’m willing to surmise that this manner of thinking resulted from a learned behavior in their upbringing, environment or experiences.  But a low or negative self-image can be erased and eradicated if you change the manner in which you think.

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