Reclaim Your IDentity: Change How You See & Think
Saturday, June 2, 2012 at 3:01PM
EEW BUZZ EDITORS in Confidence, Dr. Deana, Dr. Deana Murphy, Identity, Reclaim identity, change how you think, confidence, entrepreneurship, knowing who you are in Christ, positive thinking, women entrepreneurs

Visionary, decisive, disciplined, passionate, strong, adventurous, optimistic, fearless, independent. These adjectives describe the woman who owns her identity. This is the woman who has come from behind the shadows of others into the light of who God has created her to be. She is making her mark in the world and serving her gift to humanity. She makes no apologies for it. Yet she is both charming and compelling. This woman is you if you choose to accept your assignment.

This week I just want to talk to you— woman to woman, okay?

I’ve seen women give up the pursuit of her dreams in favor of helping her mate achieve his. She may withdraw from her studies for “just a while” while he gets his law or medical degree, expecting him to one day return the favor. But the day of favor never comes. He’s now in the spotlight and she has “willingly” lost her way. She sees him as the influential mate, and she succumbs to becoming subordinate, complacent, weak and unfocused. She has lost her identity to the light of his.

In the same vein, she may be a woman with a corporate career desiring to reach higher, but is afraid of losing herself or values in the process. Maybe she’s a woman who feels conflicted in pursuing her vision while caring for her family. She also could be a wife and mother who has for so long given of herself to others but has lost her own way of fulfilling her identity. And then, there is the woman who lives with regrets, shame or condemnation, who seeks to know who she really is.

The descriptions above are the reality of how some women think about themselves and life in general. I’m willing to surmise that this manner of thinking resulted from a learned behavior in their upbringing, environment or experiences.  But a low or negative self-image can be erased and eradicated if you change the manner in which you think.

The power that has her trapped is the same power that can also free her—her thinking.

I’ve been studying about the power and potential we have and it amazes me how we constrain ourselves simply by our limited thinking. I know you’ve probably read many articles on changing your life by changing your thinking. But the truth is you can create a new reality by using the wonders of the mind that God has so graciously given you.

You are who God says you are, not man or any significant other.

Your identity is first in Christ. This is so foundational. The love that God has for you is immeasurable, insurmountable and indescribable. Once you intentionally accept and understand that truth, you will never be limited by the way you think of yourself in relation to someone else.

Alright let’s face it. You’ve been disappointed because perhaps your mate didn’t return the favor he promised after your education was placed on hold. Maybe climbing the corporate ladder intimidates you. Perhaps that itch to discover who you are is in the back of your mind even though you’re in a season of caring for your family. These are the facts but the truth of the matter is there are no limitations in God and there’s infinite thought power within you.

I am feeling as I write this that you’ve been blaming your mate, family, employer or even yourself for where you are right now. But I declare to you if you are always preoccupied with negative feelings such as anger, fear or guilt, they will sap your energy and command all of your attention. This will prevent you from functioning at your very best.

But, if you would stop right where you are and think about how fearfully and wonderfully God has made you, that alone is enough motivation to realize and move out in your potential and power. One thing I’ve learned about God is he expects us to take the first step. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you,” James states in chapter 4 verse 8.

Understand that people can only have the power over you that you give them. There’s no reason to live in the shadow of someone else’s dream. God has equipped you with everything you need to pursue your position in this world. Stop making excuses. Life is too short to wallow in the mess of self-pity and insecurity. I know I may hit hard at times, but it’s my desire that the brunt of it awaken and arouse you to the champion that you are.

I also believe it is the time of woman. According to the Center for Women's Business Research, women own 10.6 million businesses in the United States alone, not even counting our sisters in other nations.  It is my opinion this doesn’t include mompreuners who may home-school their children while running their home-based businesses.

So are you going to sit there and pout, or will you push yourself into the assignment that’s on your life?

I want you to discover your richest possibilities and reach your greatest heights. Discover who you truly are in Christ, shift the manner in which you think about yourself and life and come from behind the shadows of others into the light of who God has created you to be.

Please share your thoughts in your comments below if this article has spoken to your heart. If you’d like to message me, feel free to at


Article originally appeared on News from a faith-based perspective (
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