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Be Unstoppable 

It is possible to be unstoppable because greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world. Did you read this with your heart? I said the Greater One lives in you! You have a life partner steering and cheering you on. This is the time in our lives when we have to make a quality decision to be steadily focused, cross the finish line and obtain God’s promises for our lives. This means you have to actually see yourself crossing the finish line and winning the trophies in your life.

You can be unstoppable.

Everyday we hear news about people succumbing to life’s circumstances, giving up hope and caving in. No one is exempt from troubled times. These are times in which the dip in the economy has caused a rise in trials and tribulations. I recently said to a group that trouble knows everyone’s address, but trouble doesn’t last always.

You may have come across many delays in your life that you have allowed to turn into many disappointments. As a result, your vision may be somewhat clouded causing you not to realize that the delay may be just a process.

Do you have a vision for your life? Have you set goals for your family and yourself? Can you see your future fifty years from now? If the answer to any of these is no, then how will you know where you are headed and when you will arrive? Life should be prioritized in keeping with your vision. Deliberate, intentional, and purposeful.

It will keep you steady and unstoppable.

Dominate your life with deliberate, daily activities holding to them with bull-dog tenacity on what you desire to happen, have and harvest. What you practice daily will dominate your life. I had to teach myself to pull the principles and promises of God from the pages and deliberately live them everyday in every way.  It’s the only way to activate them in my life. It’s the only way to be unstoppable.

The process of moving past pressure points begins with understanding that you are the process. You are God’s earthly house (2 Cor. 5:1). Like your physical house, you (your earthly house) have rooms. Rooms have gateways (hearing, speaking and seeing). What is seeping through these gateways? What are you allowing into your earthly house? The process of keeping your earthly house clean and clutter- free is up to you.  Many times people focus on changing things that they can see. That’s natural and expected. However, as we grow in Christ, we should desire the change in us that He wants to see. God’s house-cleaning rules are plainly stated in His word; they aren’t hidden. You’ve probably heard of them: be forgiving, remove bitterness, stop complaining, be generous, don’t lie, pray in the spirit, make wise choices, use good judgment, live in abundance, live in purity, and so forth.

If you’ve been following me for a while you are aware that I believe in journaling.  When you journal for spiritual growth it provides a reference point for your faith and crystallizes what God reveals to you. Too often I see people receive a word or an idea from God only to forget His instructions later because they did not write it down.  Begin using a journal.

Any given point can be a starting moment. A starting moment can be any time you choose to make a specific change that you desire. It depends on how badly you want to design and experience a better life.  You can learn how to harness the immense power of God’s principles to supercharge your productivity, creativity and drive. You can deepen relationships with your spouse, family and friends. You can break all forms of limitations, pessimism, fear, and stress. And you can realize a life of unstoppable potential.

Begin reading God’s word with a purposeful mindset.  Journal any verse that stands out. Think about it over and over in meditation. Ask yourself how it affects you personally.  Identify the ways you can make the necessary adjustments in various categories of life. Journal how you will apply this and pray it back to God.  And then be mindful throughout the day how God may use the truth of the verse to guide you during the day.

Trouble seems to have my address memorized. But you know what? I’ve made a quality decision to be steadily focused, to cross the finish line and to obtain God’s promises for my life. Won’t you start the process along side of me and be unstoppable too?

I hope so.

If this article has touched your heart, please share it with me, leaving a comment and/or contacting me directly at dmurphy@eewmagazine.com.

Reader Comments (6)

I have been feeling like I need to start journaling and getting my thoughts, ideas and feelings out. But every time I decide to start I never follow through but I believe this is confirmation to get me on the road to doing it consistently. Any tips would be greatly appreciated

July 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTreeva

Dr. Deana,

Yesterday marked my third year anniversary of my divorce and I was feeling so heavy and lost. I didn't think this is what my life would be like. I saw so much more for myself when I was younger and freer. I think I just put my dreams and life on hold and gave myself completely to my husband. The thought that it wouldn't work out never entered my mind. But since losing him I have been feeling like I lost myself. Your article today has been such a great motivation to me to keep pushing and striving for what God has for me. I am one of those people that has to "clean my house" of bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness because it has been eating me up inside and stopping me.

July 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

Your wisdom is refreshing! I used to have so much trouble seeing my potential b/c of a negative past. I was told I could not be certain things and I would "never do that" so my mindset had to be readjusted completely. I can now see my vision for my life. I have goals and I celebrate milestones. God has taught me so much about myself and this article just brings things into even greater focus. I praise God for you!!!!! You don't know how much this reaffirmed and confirmed some things for me. Many blessings!!! XO

July 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMs. Jackson

Dear Treeva,

Journaling is very simple and is a tool that helps you organize your thoughts and ultimately your life. Begin with writing down your thoughts about any activity of the day such as what you enjoyed; how something or someone made you feel; or what God has whispered to your heart. You can keep a samll journal in your purse for on the spot ideas that come your way. There is no set format or formula. Just begin. No one has to know or see it but you.

I hope this helps.


July 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

Dear Rachel,

There is a man that you can give all of yourself to and live your life through him. His name is Jesus. In him you are God's child, his bride, kept by his power, have his peace and can forget the past (see Phil. 3:13). He accepts you just as you are.

Healing takes time, but it's sure if you will give it to God. You are unstoppable if you will only believe. It's never too late to start your journey and I believe you will cross over the finish line into the place God would have you to be. I am cheering you on, Rachel!


July 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

Dear Ms. Jackson,

...and God is not through with you yet! You are on your way to crossing over the finish line only to run another race that's head! LOL

It thrills me to know women like you who is affirmed in their God-given strengths. Remember, the design is within you and there's so much more inside! Dig for the gold and be unstoppable!


July 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

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