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Walk In Confidence: No More Conforming, Coveting or Comparing!

As I opened the lines for questions and comments during last week’s "360 Mountain Moving Motiv-Action" teleconference, I suddenly heard one voice of arrogance say, “…I have a tendency to covet other people’s success and measure it with where I am because in my mind I’m as good if not better than what that person is doing. I get angry about it and wonder what’s wrong with me, then I begin to beat myself up thinking if I weighed what she weighs it would be better.”

Then loftily, she asked, “Is that a crazy issue?”


The world continually tries to conform us to being like everyone else.  Scripture is clear on what we should and should not do and one don’t is coveting anything that is our neighbor’s (Exodus 20:17). The fear of missing out on something or looking at our faults in relation to others can hinder our lives. You don’t want to miss your life’s assignment as you keep watch on what someone else is doing.

It’s certainly okay that others are examples and even mentors to us but we should never allow them to become our standard. We should never have reason to covet who they are. I teach frequently on our identity in Christ and believe his identity is security in who we are and what we are capable of doing.  

Start Enjoying More Life.

Wasting time looking for yourself within the lives of others will never bring you pleasure. Hindrances like these are designed to rob you of your true identity and ultimately your life’s purpose. This behavior is also a trap to control you. As you begin to focus on your potential, record it in your journal and plan your life around it, then your self-awareness will sharpen exponentially. 

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You Make a Difference

 You may think you don’t have what it takes to make a difference in the world, but you do. Even if you are not necessarily the one out front, perhaps you have swayed someone’s decision that has made a difference in their life and perhaps in the lives of others.  The truth is there’s something inside of you to contribute and it will make a difference in some unique way. The magnitude of your contribution is not what’s important.  It’s your heart and desire to do something that matters.

Don’t take for granted those assignments that may seem irrelevant or insignificant.  You will never know the difference you make in this world.  The other day I was reading ancient history about Theodora, the Empress of Byzantium.  She married Justinian who ruled from c. 527-563, but it was Theodora, a former actress, who saw to it that important legislation was passed and demonstrated the initiative to save her husband’s rule by resisting a revolt in 532.  Justinian was ready to flee when Theodora persuaded him to defend the capital. In the end he won power for thirty more years during which time Theodora’s name appeared in almost all important laws, including prohibitions against white-slavery and the altering of divorce laws to make them more humane to women.  When it came to religion, she strongly supported expressions of the Christian faith upholding the divinity of Christ. After her death in 548, her husband passed practically no important legislation. She was clearly powerful and influential in Justinian’s life.

You also have what it takes to make a difference in your community, career, church, city or nation, whether leading from the front or the back. You simply need to use what you already possess.

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Like being YOU: Live Authentically!

I am preparing a webinar series on designing the life within and have been nudged to include in it the topic of authenticity. The truth of the matter is many of us are stuck in and fastened to a life of mediocrity and unrest simply because we desire to live for someone else. Desiring to be who you are not or to do what others are doing is a surefire way to stay buried in dissatisfaction and discontent. Thank you Jesus this has penetrated my heart and I have broken free!

What God has for you is for you. Catch this! You may not be where you want to be, but chances are you are where you're supposed to be. Your season will always be different than others. See and measure your progress and success by God's time table. God doesn't measure success as the world does. What man gives to you can be taken away. What God gives to you is eternal. As the prophet Isaiah said, “Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like the eagles. They shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). There, you have it.

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