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Kingdom Principles for Financial Empowerment 

This week I want to share with you some practical principles I’ve learned for day to day living. Many who I talk with have concerns about their finances. With today’s downturned economy causing massive unemployment rates, many people are running scared.

This should not be so in the body of Christ.  As Believers we are directed to operate in the economy of the Kingdom. Included in that is not worrying about tomorrow. Jesus said it like this, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26).

There is a way to prosper in the Kingdom of God. God’s Kingdom functions according to the law of seedtime and harvest and the purpose of resources is not only to be able to live comfortably, but to also expand the Kingdom of God in the earth. In the Kingdom of God, our resources belong to God and are to be used as He directs. When we sow financially into the Kingdom, we reap from the Kingdom, and the harvest we reap can be used to bless other people.

Everything about God’s way of doing things is designed to be a blessing to others and not just to uplift ourselves. God’s process for acquiring finances in the Kingdom involves character development, patience and faith alongside these practical day-to-day principles:

God expects and desires us to dream. Every dream has a price tag on it, whether it’s taking a family vacation or sending our children to college. It costs. Dream fulfillment is a matter of financial management and faith management. Prior to realizing this invaluable lesson, I had mis-managed my finances and had to desperately learn how to manage my faith. Back then I purposed to do three things:  First, not depend on my job to sustain me; second, to give as much as possible into God’s Kingdom; and third, to learn about financial management so I could be a good steward over what God gave me. Living by these three principles, was my way of inviting God to always partner with me and provide financial harvest for my dreams.

Your dreams can come true, but you must first learn some things about money. Luke 14:28-32 shows the importance of counting up the cost to determine if you have adequate resources to fund your vision.

I learned step-by-step, day-by-day, to master my finances by wisdom like this:

How you think about money is often determined by how you were raised to think about money. If you weren’t raised to have money or how to handle money, then you must renew your mind and get a wealth mentality. God delights in your prosperity (Psalm 35:27) and Jesus died so that you might have abundance in every area of your life (2 Cor. 8:9).

God’s way of prospering you is through the law of sowing and reaping. When you were a kid, you probably heard and said to yourself, “What goes around, comes around,” or “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” These represent the law of sowing and reaping.  What I love about giving is I am only limited by the size of what I give. I give of my time, talents and finances. Therefore, I don’t give according to my budget, but according to the harvest I desire to reap. You can give into your church, pastors, community and someone who is accomplishing what you are dreaming of.

Be mindful of who you allow to speak into your life. If everyone you associate with is experiencing financial woes too, while having vague dreams of increasing, you will undoubtedly follow suit. Up-level your associations and don’t be intimidated by their success. Choose wisely who counsels you. It is also wise to seek a financial mentor for periodic advice. There are people who God has placed in your life that have the answers you need to rise to the next level.

The Bible talks about both faith and practicality. It tells us we are not in danger with wisdom.  Proverbs is an absolute necessary source of wisdom for information and guidance on finances. Proper knowledge and understanding is also required even if you have money. You may want to educate and prepare yourself through the Bible, financial management classes, financial books and materials.

You were made a steward over everything you presently have according to Deuteronomy 8:18 because God gave you the power to obtain it. Therefore, the Kingdom order of financial stewardship is integrity, first to God, then government (taxes), creditors, living expenses, savings, you and charity. If you aren’t operating in Kingdom order— in excellence and integrity— you cannot expect God to increase you. For God is not a God of disorder but of peace (1 Cor.14:33).

Every day we will have to make a decision between the world’s system and God’s Kingdom. Kingdom living includes money but involves more than just finances. When you prosper in the Kingdom, you have peace, wholeness, health, and success in every area of life. That’s something the world can’t give you, no matter how hard you work in that system.

Choose God’s way and experience the blessing that causes everything around you to flourish and thrive!

If this article speaks to you, let me know by commenting here. You may also contact me at dmurphy@eewmagazine.com

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    I have seen a lot of blogs in blogspot. What purpose do they serve? Is it possible to make money through blogs. If yes how?.
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    Response: naidu
    jhanu hai
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Reader Comments (1)

This article really did speak to me. It was just what I needed! THANKS and GOD BLESS!

July 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKristy

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