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Faithfulness Cannot be Forced: If He Doesn't Want to be Kept... Let Him Go

Every time I would watch his eyes move up and down another woman’s body while I was standing right there, I felt invisible and disrespected. I know men are visually stimulated and all, but it wasn’t just a quick glance. He seemed to be literally undressing random women with his eyes and I would be so angry.

I got tired of elbowing him, complaining to him, and arguing with him about his roving eye, and how bad it made me feel and look. I was so sick of watching him out of the corner of my eye every time another attractive woman would walk by us. No matter how much I would fix myself up, be sweet to my ex, and do everything he asked, he still stepped out on me.

I couldn’t understand why.

I explained my gripes over and over again, and every single time he had an excuse. Usually, “Mr. Smooth-Talker” would twist and manipulate the details of the situation to make it seem like his interest in other women (or even blatant infidelity) was my fault.

I thank God for Jesus Christ, who saved me and transformed my thinking. I see things so clearly now that were undetectable back then.

This is what I was trying to explain to one of my sister-friends the other day when we were talking. She is in a relationship with a serial cheater like I once was, but she thinks she can change him. She grew up in the church and strayed away. Now she’s living her life and going down the same path I walked down once before. I hate to see her headed  in that direction. But I will continue to pray for her, be there for her, and talk to her when she wants to listen.

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