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Don't Get Attached too Quickly: Learn His Character before Giving Your Heart Away

I turn into a wallflower at social gatherings. My friends from church always laugh at me because I get really quiet and stiff.

“Come on Ashley girl, loosen up!” they say all the time. But I am very cautious about letting my guard down too quickly these days.  

Last weekend I was at a Christian singles event one of our sister churches was hosting. It was really nice. We all got dressed up, went to a beautiful banquet hall, enjoyed great music, food, and fellowship. It was a lovely evening and I met some awesome people who love God and are living the single life His way.

It’s always encouraging to see that.

During the outing, one guy—we’ll call him Evan—came walking over to me in his perfectly tailored dark gray suit, crisp white shirt, and navy blue tie. The brother had it together. I felt like I wanted to snap “in z formation” when he walked over. He was clean as the board of health.
Evan was also very handsome and tall. His caramel skin was smooth, his head was clean shaven, and he had really deep dimples. This guy looked like someone who stepped off the cover of GQ. In a word, he was gorgeous… intimidatingly so.

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    Don't Get Attached too Quickly: Learn His Character before Giving Your Heart Away - Singles - EEW Magazine

Reader Comments (9)

Excellent article. A very real life example of what we as single believers have to guard ourselves against. And. This stemed from someone who was encountered at a CHRISTIAN singles event! Screams guard your heart. I've heard so many stories of men and women meeting someone through church or church events and walking down a road of compromise. That's a warning for us all to guard our hearts, keep Christ at the center of our focus and walk accordingly to His Will.

March 11, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterhush

Yes!!!! Love the article. Its amazing how knowing God changes your life. God is good! I'm so glad to read this article, especially as a single woman who people are always trying to match up with anybody. I want God's best and when you know who you are in Christ anything less is unacceptable. My life is hid in Christ in God so any man who wants to get to me needs to go through them first. I applaud you for kicking him to the curb, you'd be surprised at how many Christian women would have been glad to take him up on his offer. Displeasing God is too high of a price to pay for a tryst with Satan's son. The Devil always sends a distraction before God sends the real deal. So continue to hold out and hold on my sister, God will send you His best!

March 12, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterholychick

Great article sis,
This guy is weird...and to think you met him at a CHURCH function...but anyway, the devil is a roaring lion waiting to devour, so i'm so proud of you for sticking up for what you believe!
It's a shame that a lot of girls fall for this "smooth" talk...!! May the Holy Spirit continue giving you the discernment that comess with the blood of Christ! :)
God Bless you!! :)

March 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTawana

you should have NEVER given him the number ask him to email what CHURCH does he go to THAT is the FIRST question, number is TOOO personal, unfortunately we dont have fathers like my dad he wasnt perfect but he had a GUN, so if you EVEN THOUGHT about stepping wrong...guess what you were gonna get??? LOL. when i was reading all i was thinking in my mind was eddie long. Chile, thanks for the article, but you gotta b like fort knox. UNLESS you can come to my 'FATHERS" house we dont have anything to say, if you text me after 8pm it shows me you have no respect for my house, b/c that's flesh time or no parental intervention what so ever b/c if you dont know you dont b calling no girl after its DARK, we gon have a problem! For real tho, no a days you can do that he showed you he was a sex pervert already and folks is CRAZY even in church you gotta ask GOD for discernment otherwise you gon b bringing the unibomber home to grandma !!

March 14, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermeme

ASHLEY!! ASHLEY!! ASHLEY!! What can I say, but this one is on the money! I live my life now by not settling for any ol' dude that approaches me (I don't care how good he looks or smells -- I have a thing for good smelling men). When I read that piece where you were standing there with the grit face...I thought about myself. People say I do that a lot, but I think it's a defense mechanism to keep the ogres away...at either rate, I am really glad that God is shining through you, and you are confident to stick to what you believe and not compromise! Love it!

March 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterZee

Ashley, you are soooo right. I have gotten into situations where I've been caught up with a man's "image," before getting to know his character. He appears to be a good, solid Christian brother because he initially says the right things. Only to find out later that his words aren't lining up with his actions, as he attempts to convince me to compromise my relationship with God to be with him. As Christian women it's more important than ever to be prayerful about the men we date and to focus, not on how he looks or his bank account or even what he says, but on getting to know what's in his heart...

March 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSharon Tubbs

I would love to read the rest of this article but the 'Read the Full Article' link keeps taking me to the 'Faithfulness Cannot be Forced' article.

Please can you fix this?


April 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDoose

I was re-reading this article today and looking at the comments. I'm so thankful that you ladies can relate and also are wise when it comes to recognizing and avoiding traps like this that the enemy sets! I appreciate you reading and sharing your thoughts with me. We're being strong and wise and refusing to compromise! By the way, the link has been fixed. You can read the full article here: http://www.eewmagazine.com/love-march26.html

God bless!

April 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAshley Peterson

Hey!Thank you for sharing your experience. I confess. Im struggling with the fall business. I have to learn to get a tough skin like you do. I will keep your experience in mind for sure. Thanks

September 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJesslynn

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