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You Can Pass this Test: You Might Have to Cry, but Don't Go Back

Initially, I wasn’t going to go.

I really just wanted to
stay home and go to bed because it was the anniversary of the day I had met my ex. If you have ever been involved in an intimate relationship that went sour, you know special occasions like anniversaries, birthdays, or any sentimental days the two of you shared, can be a real tough for you. So a few of my friends from church invited me to hang out at the mall and get some air. They knew I had just been loafing around that particular day in jeans and a t-shirt after my traumatic breakup six months earlier. If you didn’t read my article last week, I recommend that you read it here before continuing.

So I decided to go ahead and
get dolled up and spend a little time hanging with these women who were
really positive influences on me as I was growing in the Lord. They kept me accountable. I was serious about not going back!  

fter being in a toxic relationship, it is important not to let your guard down. When that man has been in your system the way my ex was in mine, you know you can’t play with fire. It’s one thing to say you’re moving on and it’s another thing to actually get out and stay out… especially when you miss him.


Reader Comments (4)

Ashley, your column is on point! Thanks for sharing your personal experiences in a way that empowers and encourages, and also points us to the truth in God's Word. Keep it up!

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterpearlseeds

I love your column Ashley! I have been through a lot of the same stuff you have and I felt so alone, until I realize I was not. You are so brave and courageous to walk away and I am in the process of tryng to do the same thing. Thank you for the encouragement and letting me know I am able to do it!

February 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDana

Beautiful testimony! Its so wonderful to know that with Christ we can do ALL things we have the victory over each and every temptation that may come our way. I faced the exact same things in 2010- and now 2 years later the Lord has placed me in a situation to speak to young women about things like this! Very Encouraging! God Bless you!

March 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKeyonna

Best singles column I've ever read! Love your honesty. This is ministry right here!

March 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDee Dee

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