How to Overcome Negative Attitudes: Dealing with Negativity from & Towards Others
When people don’t like or understand something about you—you know it. It’s evident in their attitude, manner and words. Their discomfort seeps into the atmosphere and after a while you risk becoming uncomfortable with yourself if you don’t confront them or remove yourself from their environment.
People used to look at me like I had a third head because I love Bollywood movies and I think Dolly Parton’s original I Will Always Love You is the true classic. I’ve heard everything from, “Something is wrong with you” to “You’re not really black.” Some comments were made in jest, but some were outright offensive remarks and the disdain was duly noted. It used to annoy me, but I’ve learned that I can’t live my life in the confines of someone else’s mind.
I refuse to be around negative people—not even when I know they love me and I care about them. I refuse to embrace their smallness and judgment. It took me some time to learn to accept myself in spite of their opinions, but now I know that I am not obligated to surrender my identity over to anyone else.