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Walk In Confidence: No More Conforming, Coveting or Comparing!

As I opened the lines for questions and comments during last week’s "360 Mountain Moving Motiv-Action" teleconference, I suddenly heard one voice of arrogance say, “…I have a tendency to covet other people’s success and measure it with where I am because in my mind I’m as good if not better than what that person is doing. I get angry about it and wonder what’s wrong with me, then I begin to beat myself up thinking if I weighed what she weighs it would be better.”

Then loftily, she asked, “Is that a crazy issue?”


The world continually tries to conform us to being like everyone else.  Scripture is clear on what we should and should not do and one don’t is coveting anything that is our neighbor’s (Exodus 20:17). The fear of missing out on something or looking at our faults in relation to others can hinder our lives. You don’t want to miss your life’s assignment as you keep watch on what someone else is doing.

It’s certainly okay that others are examples and even mentors to us but we should never allow them to become our standard. We should never have reason to covet who they are. I teach frequently on our identity in Christ and believe his identity is security in who we are and what we are capable of doing.  

Start Enjoying More Life.

Wasting time looking for yourself within the lives of others will never bring you pleasure. Hindrances like these are designed to rob you of your true identity and ultimately your life’s purpose. This behavior is also a trap to control you. As you begin to focus on your potential, record it in your journal and plan your life around it, then your self-awareness will sharpen exponentially. 

When you’ve had enough of living for someone else, pleasing others, craving other’s approval; when you’ve had enough of the fear of confronting someone and are ready to stand up for yourself; when you lift your eyes away from your weaknesses and desire to be molded and shaped into the image of Jesus and share inwardly His likeness, you’re walking in your God-given confidence. As you step out and follow God fully, your confidence will rise because it is forever rooted in Christ. This is the enjoyable way of life.

Dare to Be Different

I personally had to learn to enjoy being me and know it’s quite exciting to be different. Looking back I know now how looking over someone else’s shoulders hindered my growth and my walk with God. It is possible to be content where you are when others seem to be moving ahead of you at jet speed. It is possible because God said it is (1 Tim. 6:8). Think about this. Why would God give each of us different finger prints, different personalities, different gifts and different abilities? Sounds pretty boring to me if we were the same. Being different is good. Each of us meets a need in God’s overall plan.

I understand how the lady must feel who made the comment last week during my teleconference. However, we must be free to love and accept ourselves and one another without the burden to compare or compete. Freedom is discovering yourself and fitting into God’s plan, not into everyone else’s. One of the things that I shared with this lady is a confident woman recovers from bumps in the road. She is in charge of her destiny and keeps trying different things until she discovers what she is here on this earth to do. Secure people are confident in who they are in Christ and are not threatened by the abilities or accomplishments of others. She will experience some setbacks and some disappointments but she should never stop trying until she discovers what is right for her.

Let Your Potential Be Your Navigator

God gave you gifts and abilities and he wants you to focus on your potential instead of your weaknesses. Perhaps you can do a thing better than someone else but is that really your assignment? Your temperament, physical features, fingerprints and abilities and gifts are different than others. Why would you desire your life to be like theirs? Design your life around your potential. Discover what you are supposed to be doing and give it everything you have and then watch how God showers you with blessings.

Thank God for making you unique. Walk in your God-confidence and freedom to love yourself and love and accept others.

Let me know if this article speaks to your heart by leaving a comment below or contacting me at dmurphy@eewmagazine.com.

References (3)

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    Walk In Confidence: No More Conforming, Coveting or Comparing! - Deana Murphy: Motivation - EEW Magazine
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    Walk In Confidence: No More Conforming, Coveting or Comparing! - Deana Murphy: Motivation - EEW Magazine
  • Response
    Walk In Confidence: No More Conforming, Coveting or Comparing! - Deana Murphy: Motivation - EEW Magazine

Reader Comments (1)

I really enjoyed this article and feel that it really hit home for me. I currently am having a hard time dealing with having confidence in who God created me to be. It has really affected my relationships and has made it hard for me to form friendships, and especially romantic relationships. I am 30 years old, have few friends, and have never been in a real relationship and feel that my lack of confidence and low self esteem have a lot to do with it. I also have social anxiety disorder, which definitely doesn't help matters, and makes me feel paralyzed with fear at times. Nevertheless, I am trying to keep the faith and have been praying that the Lord will deliver me from this, even though it feels like it may take an eternity. Reading this article has helped me a lot and has given me much to think about.

September 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnita

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