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Bounce Back, Fast Forward Like Never Before

Here’s something to think about. Mary Kay Ash’s mascot for her cosmetic company is a bumblebee.  She said, “Because of its tiny wings and heavy body, aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly. But the bumblebee doesn’t know that, so it flies anyway.”

And further, Dr. Martin Seligman, director of the University of Pennsylvania‘s Positive Psychology Center says, “Bouncing back from bad times depends on the ‘stories’ you tell yourself.”  This aligns with the what the writer of Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

My question then is this. What are you consistently telling yourself about you?  You are in control of your feelings and therefore of your choices.

Life presents us with choices every day. We can be weak, or be strong. We can be sad or we can be happy. We can be negative or we can be positive. We can live in the past or we can prepare for the future. We can remain in the consequences of life’s perplexities, or we can bounce back and fast forward like never before.

About Jasmine

Torn and broken, Jasmine began her journey of bouncing-back and fast-forwarding her life and she exceled beyond her wildest dreams. Earlier as a teen, she had mirrored both her mom and older siblings by becoming a teenage mom and later married into an abusive relationship. Even though she experienced some success and purchased a home and drove a luxury car, as she tells her story, Jasmine lost everything. Her life looked hopeless.

What amazed me about Jasmine is she believed there was always something she could do to bounce back. She never gave up hope. What she did was unlearn hopelessness and stopped accepting false limitations.

And so can you.

About You

You know you want more from life. You know you want to design an exceptional life and soar like never before, don’t you?  This doesn’t mean you have to be superior. What it does mean is you have to embrace the power that God has already given you. It means remembering the God in you who’s able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all you ask or think. And he is able to do that according to the power that’s within you. (See Ephesians 3:20).

With giving up your learned helplessness, you can become strong enough not to allow yourself to keep being hurt, maligned and taken advantage of. It means you have to stop allowing the world to take over you.

Bounce Back, Fast-Forward

Believe in yourself even when others doubt. How you ask? Because everything is possible to him who believes (Mark 9:23). One of the things I adore about Mary Kay Ash’s philosophy is she coached her colleagues to grow self-esteem through believing in themselves. She knew a great secret: If people can see themselves as the person they hope to become and act “as if” they are that person, soon they will not be acting. They will actually become that person.

Don’t sit around and wait for something to happen. Make things happen. Adopt the attitude of the bumblebee and design an exceptional life bravely and confidently even against all odds. And better yet, do it because of the hardships and hurdles you may face.

You’re the creator of the rest of your life.

Don’t be held captive by what you know.  Act confidently, with conviction knowing there are some things you don’t need to know in order to grow.

Please let me know if this article speaks to your heart by commenting below and/or emailing dmurphy@eewmagazine.com.

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    Bounce Back, Fast Forward Like Never Before - Deana Murphy: Motivation - EEW Magazine

Reader Comments (8)

This is great stuff right here! You're making me feel like I can do and be anything Dr. Deana. I know I can but getting that motivation can be so hard. If you could recommend a couple inspirational books I would very much appreciate it. Thank you for your time. God bless. :)

July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDarah

I try so hard to be the best that I can but it seems like there is always something right in front of me, blocking me from achieving. I stay positive as I can but it doesn't always work. I am trying to remain upbeat but I have been going through so much for so long and it is very hard to keep believing when I keep failing.

July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBernice

Faith over fear!!!! Dr. Deana my women's bible study at my church was about this subject. We are all on a 30 day challenge to tackle something we have been afraid to do. Mine is starting to work on my first book. I feel afraid but I am doing it anyway!!!!!

July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCora

My question then is this. What are you consistently telling yourself about you?

My answer: I have come from a long line of failure and poverty in my family. I have been telling myself that I WANT to be different but I am afraid that I WON'T break the cycle. I have seen other family members with big dreams and nothing has happened. I feel like that is destined to be me. I can't seem to shake this haunting feeling no matter how I try.

July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterIn His Image

Dear Bernice,

You've said the magic word..."seems". Yes there "seems" to be something blocking you, but is it really? Think about that. It is blocking you only if you allow it to block you. :-)

Did you read my last week's article? Be unstoppable! Bernice, you can excel beyond your wildest dreams if you only would press through it. I extend to you an opportunity to get to the root of the issue. sometimes you have to dig deep and use your spiritual scappel to cut out the barriers and hindrances. Contact me through my website at www.deanamurphyglobal.com for a complimentary consultation. I'll be glad to speak with you.


July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

Dear Cora,

That sounds exciting. Do it afraid! I believe in you!


July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

Dear Darah, What I recommend is motivating and inspiring yourself just like David did. You can do this. I teach women to design their lives so they can cut away the barriers that hinders and holds them back. You truly can do this. I am not familiar with many inspirational books but Joyce Meyer has written many books that relate to these issues. If you would like to learn more about what I teach, contact me at my website www.DeanaMurphyGlobal.com and I will be happy to speak with you.


July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

Dear In His Image,

Thank you for your transparency. What if you could see your life through the eyes of vision, the Kingdom and freedom instead of through the eyes of your family? Honey, you are in this world and not of it. Your identity is in Christ, therefore what your family has or hasn't done does not define you. Stop identifying yourself with them (regarding their failures) and see yourself through the eyes of God. If you would like to speak with me, visit my website at www.DeanaMurphyGlobal.com and contact me.

From this day forward, begin telling yourself the things you desire for your life. It starts with your decision to believe you can.



July 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

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