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Compromise Won't Keep Him


When I read news stories about female R&B singers like Ciara and Rihanna, and wives or girlfriends of popular male entertainers like Monyetta Shaw (singer/producer Neyo’s baby’s mother), and Eudoxie (rapper Ludacris’s girlfriend), “making it rain” in the strip club, I feel sad for them.

Making it rain essentially means showering strippers with cash, until it seems to be literally “raining” dollar bills.

This perverted practice these days is viewed on the street as an acceptable statement of status, or an announcement that said rapper or entertainer has money to burn. The ultimate way to show that they are supposedly balling out of control is by taking the rubber band off of their fat wad of dough and “tricking it off” on exotic dancers.

I cannot speak on behalf of the women who appear to be happy in photos showing them on their own or with their guy, stuffing money into other ladies’ G-strings (I doubt they really are.), but I know how I felt when I made compromises back in the day.

In an effort to keep my man from straying and to appear to be “down with whatever,” I used to tag along to strip clubs, watch XXX movies with him, and do other things that made me really uncomfortable.

To understand why I went down that road, I have to explain to you the psychology of it all. From around my way, the women who had relationships with smooth-talking, fast-living, and quick-to-stray types, told me to just go along with what he wanted in order to keep him. Otherwise, they would say, he would find “a chick that was willing to do what I wasn’t.” Even if he was unfaithful, they would make excuses and say, “You know who he’s coming home to, though. And that’s all that matters.”

I cannot count how many times I heard that crazy—yes, absolutely insane—rationale that a lot of beautiful women who don’t know their worth, accept as true.

Being that I was insecure, young, foolish, and didn’t have a clue about who I was at the time, I listened. I’m not proud of it, of course, but that’s just where I was back then. I degraded myself in more ways than one and looked the other way, just like they told me to, when I knew my man of the moment was doing dirt.

So sad, I know.

No matter how compliant or accommodating of his shady ways I was, though, every single person I have ever dated who wanted to be unfaithful still did his thing on the side. Me degrading myself and pretending that I liked watching him enjoy the physique of other women with me sitting right there—although it actually hurt my esteem and made me feel stupid—still led to the same thing.

He strayed.

He kept a chick on the side and then came home to me at night. He bought me expensive presents (At least the ones who could afford to, did.) to cover up the fact that he was no good and dogging me behind my back.

Now that I have been there, made my mistakes, and wised up by the grace of God, I tell ladies this: if your mate does not want to be loyal, he won’t, plain and simple.

You can try everything in the book. If his heart wants to stray, there is nothing you can do to prevent that from happening. Believe me, I know firsthand. I have pretty much done it all and still have experienced the same hurt, pain and loss. Not just loss of him, but myself and my dignity.

I don’t want to see anyone else go through that level of degradation and shame.

That’s why I cringe when I hear other women say do this or that if you want to keep him. No matter what you do, a person’s character is what it is.

That doesn’t mean relationships don’t take a reasonable amount of maintenance and effort. They do.

Even still, you can work out all day to keep your body tight; spend money to keep your hair done, nails manicured, and toes polished; be sexually free and acquiescent to what he wants to do, within reason; cook, clean and keep home in order; work hard to earn your own money and contribute to the household, and on and on.

You can do all that. I did all that. But your actions, despite how good or well-intentioned they are, cannot control his actions, if he wants to be a playboy. He is who he is.

You cannot change a man who doesn’t want to be different. That is one of the single most important pieces of advice I would give to any woman.

It took a long time for me to get that, but once I learned it, girl, it set me free from beating myself up and wondering, what’s wrong with me that made them stray?

I now realize I was asking the wrong question. I needed to find out, what’s wrong with me that I keep choosing men who want to stray no matter what I do?

As God worked on me and got my mind straight, I could see a player coming from a mile away. If you embrace this truth, you will too.

You won’t fall for the same foolishness and you certainly won’t make compromises against your faith and commitment to both God and yourself, in order to keep a man that doesn’t want to be kept in the first place.

You are a beautiful person and a wonderful woman. You don’t need to settle for anyone who cannot see that you are worth loving, cherishing, and being true to. And if you have settled before, you don’t have to make that same mistake.

Be free of the guilt, shame, and feelings of obligation to someone who is only interested in their selfish desires and lusts.

God has better for you. But He cannot give it to you until you see that you actually deserve better, and refuse to settle for less.

Have you ever struggled with compromise in the past in an effort to keep a man who didn’t want to be kept? If so, how did you finally overcome?

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Reader Comments (5)

I am so sitting in this spot right now. I just walked away from a church playa. oh he knows the word and particpates in ministry and preys on the lonely and "waiting " church girls who will compromise to be with him. He only convinced me to look the other way while he played with them. I love your honesty here. It helps to know I can come online and recieve help because we do NOT have these conversations at church even though they are much needed. I see bunches of hurt church girls tied up in bondage and covering it with MAC make up every Sunday. Again thank you for your honesty and avenue to at least admit there is a problem. I was able to see myself and correct my way before I was too far gone. Thanks..

May 6, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTL

I was in a relationship several years ago, that I knew was a mistake from the start. I was in college, had been raised by my strict grandmother, in church...but was introduced to a "bad boy". This was a new and "exciting" world for me. I compromised so much of who I was to be with him. I had an off-campus apartment, so he would stay over sometimes. I started skipping some of my classes, because "he wanted me next to him in the morning". He became controlling and eventually down-right lazy (one of my biggest pet peeves LOL!). I knew that God...and my grandmother were not pleased...I wasn't pleased with myself either. I tried to "show" him how "good" I was for him, and how "different" I was from other women he had dated.
I was invited to a Friday night church service by a friend (which he didn't like). The guest preacher talked about the dangers of being around negative people...it was my wake up call! Although he had never been violent towards me, I had started to see controlling behavior, so I knew that this had to be a gradual break up. It took about two months, but eventually we "grew apart", or at least that's what I told him. Several years later, he called me and apologized to me. Although I had long forgiven him, it was good to get complete closure and more importantly, he seemed to have learned from his mistakes...or at least that's what he told me!!

May 6, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTS

SISTERS A MANS CHEAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU IT HAS TO DO WITH GOD. He has nog submitted to his role and calling. It doesnt matter how you look it doesnt mattef how you dress men are sinners as we are and he will try to go as far as possible if not submitted to God.

Dont believe the hype love the you God gave. I had a relationship were i degraded my self i didnt know any better but i was responsible for my self i made the choice the devil didnt make me do it. If i man cannot b faithful to me and or cannot do what i am able cut him loose. Because you are worth to much dont cast your pearls to swine bc when hes done he'LL find someone else to defile. But vengence is mine sayeth the Lord...(bible) so you dont need to worry about that. But you deserve at least what you are willing to do. GOD IS JUST

May 13, 2013 | Unregistered Commenteri see the light

I compromised in almost every relationship ive had. But the times when i went along and didnt make a choice were bad. I thought it was what i had to do to even be considered to b chosen bc other girls were getting attention i wasnt i was studious so i wanted attention so i threw out the books in order to b popular i regret that now that i see others walking off with the life i wanted the devil store from me. I am overcoming by reading articles like this and obeying God and learning who i am in Christ.

May 13, 2013 | Unregistered Commenteri see the light

I thought if i bcame a mans fantasy or promiscuous i would b chosen to b a bride.i was wrong. After they stolecmy innocence they chose someone else. Only now im alone and not a bride and i just struggle with lust and the same ones who rejected me and pushed me to b free bc i was too much of a nice girl to b defiled and get a boyfriend are calling me a whore and marrying the nice girl who i used to b only now they just judge me. Its a trip aint it?

May 19, 2013 | Unregistered Commenteranon

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