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Ask yourself, where will you be next year this time?

One thing is certain, if you aren’t moving toward making change in your life, next year at this time you will undoubtedly be right where you are today.  I don’t want that for you. And I don’t believe that you want that for you either.

So let’s agree to turn the tide and live, despite the obstacles and difficult circumstances you may be facing. The truth of the matter is many people today are dealing with some level of crisis. For women, this is often internal.

For example, you may be a corporate career woman desiring to reach higher but don’t want to lose yourself or values in the process. Or you may be a woman who feels conflicted in pursuing your vision while caring for your family. Perhaps you are a wife and/or mother who has for so long given of yourself to others but have lost your own identity. Maybe you are living with regrets, shame or condemnation while seeking your life’s assignment. Because of that, you may not be quite sure of your place in the world.

How can you get rid of the internal chaos and inner struggle, and live out your divinely inspired dreams?  I believe I’ve have a wonderful solution. Give yourself the gift of living this Christmas!

Yes I know you are already living in the conventional sense of the word—breathing and having a steady pulse.  But what I am referring to is to a vibrant existence that consists of changing your life from where it is to where you would like it to be.

In order to do this, you must begin with your sense of identity, because it is no secret that your life follows who you think you are. It’s true. You live and operate in your daily activities from the perspective of how you see yourself. So if you are identifying yourself based on wrong or negative things, then you are naïve about who you are.

Did you know that we have inside of us a built-in success mechanism which must have a target, aim, plan or pictures to be effective? This mechanism is what steers us to our desired objectives. When we focus on end results instead of present situations, this innate mechanism figures out how to get us to where we desire to be. We move towards the picture in our mind. That’s why having the wrong pictures, is so detrimental.

So then, how can you get the right ones?

Here is how God explained it to Joshua:  “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8)

Yes, it is just that simple. Meditate on God’s word and let it be a mirror so you can effectively see and change, where necessary, from where you are to where you want to be.

Here are other practical things I suggest you to do as well:

Determine what it is you want in your life.  Don’t leave any area of your life to chance. One big mistake Christians make is leaving all the work for God. That’s not even scriptural because He declares that faith without works is dead. You have to give God something to work with. Ask Him for what it is you desire to achieve by next year this time. And ask Him to be your partner.

Get a picture of it.  Proverbs 29:18 says,Where there is no vision, the people perish.” As I mentioned earlier, we are picture-oriented and we move towards pictures automatically. What are you picturing in your mind for yourself? See your life one year from today. Close your eyes and think about those things you’ve imagined. Describe the details. If it’s a tangible item, touch it and smell it with your mind.  This kind of visual imagery of where you want to go with your life can be a stimulus for getting you there.

Write a plan.  The importance of writing a plan is to give you a map of how to get where you want to be. You may need to enhance your skills and talents, or you may just need to step up to the plate and engage them.

Determine to L.I.V.E.  I believe living is a choice. See it this way. Right now you know where you are and you know where you want to be. In between those two points are the strategies and actions that will get you there. Here’s how I see it and I believe it will help you tremendously:

L earn everything about yourself

I  nventory your gifts and talents

V isualize and venture out in faith

E nter into the rest of God and enjoy your life!

 I cannot think of a better Christmas gift to you or from you, than this. Isn’t it time to turn those torn and worn out places into a life of your desire?  Isn’t it time to stop making excuses and begin to make decisions to become the extraordinary woman made in the image of God that you are?

Your gift to you can make that happen.

Merry Christmas and big ((((hugs)))).

I would like to hear about your life makeover. You can leave a comment below or email dmurphy@eewmagazine.com

Reader Comments (4)

You better teach Dr. D!! You've done it again. I was praying about things and letting God know that I want to do more and go higher in the new year. There are a lot of lessons I have learned and I admit I must be more diligent when it comes to planning and visualizing. Great advice!

December 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPT

PRINTING THIS----->Here is how God explained it to Joshua: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8)

Yes, it is just that simple. Meditate on God’s word and let it be a mirror so you can effectively see and change, where necessary, from where you are to where you want to be.


December 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAMY LEE

Good word! We can become anything God has destined for us if we obey his will and word. It doesn't matter where we start. We can finish strong. I appreciate this reminder. I'm now going to update my vision board. (smile)

December 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNatasha

Thank you! I'm goal oriented already and glory to God for giving me new dreams. I've already started the process but I was inspired by your article to finish the writing down and organizing process. I have to get them in order. They are written down already but I've been so busy working on the dream that I failed to organize, finalize and post them so that I can see them daily. Thanks for the little push!

December 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLaTanya Renee

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