Reflections on being Solo, Not So Low: Why I had to Take a Social Networking Break
I don’t have a Facebook page or Twitter account as of two and a half years ago. I know I probably sound like a Neanderthal right now, because pretty much everybody I know does some form of social networking. All my friends and family endlessly grill me about why I’m not online anymore.
But I wasn’t always an Internet hermit. I actually used to spend a lot of time social networking. I was consistently posting up new pictures of myself, family, and friends. Ms. Ashley Peterson stayed liking somebody else’s status, adding my two cents to conversations, or re-tweeting something I thought was cool or interesting. I was quite the social butterfly.
*Stares into space nostalgically remembering my much hipper, cooler days*
I didn’t even mind letting people use my Facebook wall as a billboard to promote their event or website (as long as it wasn’t anything inappropriate). I loved everything about my online connections.
So I know you’re probably wondering what led me to delete my accounts so suddenly.