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Take Time for Rest & Renewal: Make a Conscious Effort to Replenish

If you are under 35-years-old, you might not understand what I’m about to say.  But those 35 and up will surely say, “Amen.”  This morning as I was walking, I dropped something on the ground.  I didn’t think twice as I knelt down to pick it up…but a strange thing happened when I tried to stand.  Without my permission, my knees and legs moved in slow motion.  I heard myself grunt as I finally stood and felt sensation returning to my limbs.  I had to chuckle and shake my head as I thought about how easily that maneuver would have been just 3 to 5 years ago.  While I am by no means old…I am getting older.

For the most part I don’t feel 40, I just feel like me.  But there are times, like today, when I realize that I am just not as strong or energetic as I used to be.  The activities, which once came so readily, now require thought and sometimes preparation.

Our spirits can imitate our body in the same manner.  There were times when I was younger that comments, snap judgments and bad attitudes would roll of my back like water.  I could go thirty verbal rounds over an issue without a blink.  Nowadays, I just don’t seem to have the heart or energy to fight some of the same old fights.  I guess you could say that I’m a little slow on the come up. 



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