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Facing Your Moment of Truth; How to Get Honest about your Issues & Deal with Them

Being serious about your faith is dangerous business.  You never know when your next moment of truth is coming—the moment when the truth stares in your face and forces you to reckon with its brutality.

The moment when every false smile you've plastered on your face is revealed for the farce it really is, even when you were blissfully unaware of your insincerity.

Today, I faced such a moment.   My friend and I met for lunch at one of my favorite restaurants.  Things were fine as she shared some of her life's woes, but then, the subject of Steffy arose. Steffy is a friend of hers and an acquaintance of mine.  The three of us work together.   I don't recall the entire conversation, but my life changed as she said, "She thinks you hate her."  At first I laughed it off as I denied it.  But I quickly became uncomfortable as the truth settled in.

The truth is that I don't hate Steffy.  I distrust her and resent the fact that trust doesn't exist in our professional relationship.  But the most important truth is that as a Christian whose purpose is to reflect His character and grace in all things, I have fallen miserably short.

As I meditated on my friend's comments, I realized that I had allowed myself to become comfortable with disliking, distrusting and exposing what I view as Steffy's faults.  To my shame, even unbelievers have tried to give me another perspective from which to view her.  But I rejected their insights, believing that I saw something they couldn't.


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