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You Are a Role Model

I watched with pride and a love-filled heart as my 16 month-old niece flipped through her storybook.  She turned the pages and squealed “Hi-Ya”—mimicking the sounds her mother makes when she normally reads her the book.  One would have thought she could actually read, the way I was carried on as I told my sister the story over the phone.  But, I knew my niece was simply imitating what she’d seen done.  

A few days later as I walked through the house, I quoted a random silly phrase from a popular comedian and within seconds she was parroting the same words right back to me.  She is learning through imitation.

It struck me that because she is listening and watching…I need to be more careful regarding the things I do and say when I am in her presence.  And to ensure that I am the best role model possible when I am with her, I have to pursue the same level of excellence when I’m away from her as well.

As believers, we must not lose sight of the fact that we are role models to those around us.  It doesn’t matter whether or not we like it, or think it’s right.  When you profess to be anything, others look to you to model the behavior it represents. We expect accountants to know math, hairdressers to have nice hairstyles and doctors to take care of themselves. And for good or bad…when we say that we are Christians, people are expecting us to live and behave a certain way.  Beyond that…so is our Redeemer.

Let’s be clear—I don’t believe in “faking perfection.” 

In fact, I believe the Body is strengthened when we are wisely transparent about our issues.  In return, we are called to impart grace to one another, so that we create the atmosphere for emotional healing.  We won’t get it right all the time…but it doesn’t mean that our desire for maturation should cease.  When we do fall short, we should humbly accept correction…learn our lessons and move on.

We are called to serve as role models to each other.  All of us are...not just preachers, gospel singers and those in prominent positions.  The people at your job may never watch Bishop Jakes…but they are watching you. 

In Titus 2:3-6, we clearly see the Word encouraging believers to own up to the responsibility of being role models to others.  Scripture is clear that maturation and growth is a community concern. 

In Hebrews 6:12, we are given the criteria for selecting our role models. We are told to “imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”  We are to look around us and find the people who have succeeded in the areas we need to grow.   Then we actually imitate the individuals who have demonstrated character in their pursuit.

Just as my niece is learning to navigate life by watching those around her, there will be times when others learn Christlikeness through the example we set.  If we dare to name the name of Christ, then we must also dare to set the bold and righteous example He set as well.

If we are to be successful, we must learn from individuals who have already walked the path we are currently on.  Their wisdom will be invaluable in helping us to avoid unnecessary pitfalls and pain.  They will help us to be better prepared for success and achievement.

Live It!

1. Select three significant goals that you would like to achieve within the next year, three and five years.

2. Identify two role models for each goal—one should be someone you know and the other can be a celebrity or thought leader. 

3. Study those individuals to learn the secrets of their success and begin to apply them to your own life.

Reader Comments (4)

It's easy to forget that what I do say and how I live matters because the world is so celebrity focused. I DO make a difference. I am a role model. Amen!

January 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTami

Felicia is such a wonderful writer and this article really is an excellent reminder of how we can influence and draw wisdom from those around us. Wonderful as always Coach! God bless.

January 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterVeraJ

Awesome, awesome article, and on point! Love it

January 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTC

Having mentors is very important. I am a part of a mentoring organization for young people because no one can make it on their own. We need each other. It is through this interdependence that we are built up and empowered to thrive. Absolutely awesome piece!

January 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCheryl

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