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IGNORE: Leave the Past Behind

When I logged on to my favorite social networking site, the two little red ones glaring in the top left corner of the screen alerted me that I had a new friend request and a new message in my inbox.  When I clicked the friend request tab, I was totally taken aback by the face staring back at me and furthermore, by the message in my inbox.

It read: “It’s been a long time. You’re still beautiful I see. We should catch up.”

“Wow! Really?  Is this a joke, God?” I thought aloud.  I looked around to see if Ashton Kutcher would jump out and tell me that I was being Punk’d.  But I wasn’t.

A familiar face from deep within my past had re-emerged after almost a decade.  I hadn’t seen or spoken to this guy since our ugly split that left me broken and empty.  Although I’ve long let go of the harsh feelings I had towards him, re-opening that door to my past was something I refused to do. 

I didn’t make any assumptions about his intentions regarding wanting to catch up, which could very well have been purely innocent, but I simply did not like the place my thoughts revisited.  So with no hesitation, I chose to ignore that friend request and delete the message.

See, that old friend is tied to a time in my life when, although I confessed Christ, I was totally lost.  I was secretly wild and wayward, freely giving in to every lust of my flesh and living a life of reckless sin.   Promiscuity and pornography were at the top of my list for entertainment back then, and I had absolutely no clue what self-worth meant. 

Thank God for deliverance and spiritual growth, and development!

Naturally, there are certain things or people that trigger particular memories. This guy triggered memories from when my life was filled with struggles and mindsets that took years for me to be delivered from.  And if there’s one thing I know, it’s that I went through far too much to be healed and to be able to grab hold to my freedom through Christ to allow mere memories to be a stumbling block in any way.  Not to say that I am weak to the enemy’s subtle tactics; however, it would be completely unwise to entertain anything connected to the past that does not serve as something that would catapult me further into my destiny.  The same should go for you.

There should come a point in our lives when we just know that some things simply do not need any of our time or attention.  Amen?

When God closes certain doors, we should leave them forever closed.  Re-opening what God has shut can prove to be detrimental to the forward progression of our lives, and just because the past comes knocking does not mean you have to answer, or open, the door.  The enemy is slick and will use anything he can to try to knock you off course.  1 Peter 5:8 tells us that our enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.  And one of his best weapons is your past.

He knows that if he can send the right person or thing to trigger the right memories or feelings, then he can get you to slip back into what the Lord has delivered you from.  If he can get you to dwell on a memory long enough, it will seep into your heart, and replay itself through your actions.  Memory lane is not always a great place for a stroll.

We see what happened to Lot’s wife in Genesis 19:26 when the Lord was trying to deliver her from Sodom.  She looked back at what was behind her and turned into a pillar of salt.  The forward progression of her life came to an abrupt halt and she became stuck in the very place the Lord was trying to move her from.

When God is moving you forward, never look back.  I believe that the only time you should revisit your negative past is when you’re sharing your testimony of how the Lord brought you over.

When the past, in whatever form, stares you in the face, look right past it with your eyes fixated on what’s ahead and continue to move towards the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  Don’t you dare let nothing or nobody turn you around!

Reader Comments (8)

AMEN! this is such a blessing to read. Yes i know some doors the enemy keeps trying to tempt me with only behind that door is lies, and destruction thank you!

September 10, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteralli

Amen and so true!

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteressy

Two words: thank. you.

September 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCLF

Amen sister! Thank you for this post and Praise God!

September 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTawana

Boy I wish I had read this post on Monday this week....I failed my test. The enemy knocked me off my tracks. I have been seperated from my Ex for almost a year now and it took every part of my being to keep my sanity. But God got me through it. Yall I've got to tell my story.... this pass monday I called my ex because I needed some help on my thesis to complete my Master program and I knew he could help becuase he is a professor in research... I took all of me to call him and ask for the help. This man put a hurting on me but I thought that I was strong enough to see him. I thought its been a year kish and you should be over him. Boy was that not the case. As soon as I saw him all feelings came rushing back full force. I knew my flesh was so week for this man. My heart and body yerned for this man. Needless to say, you know what happen next. I was so in the moment that I forgot about all that I had just went through to get over this man. Therapy, counseling at church, praying, praying and praying some more for healing. How could I do this to myself again. How and why would I....Now I feel like I am trapped back at step one, but this time it doesnt seem hard. It seems like I made a mistake again and I knew better. This is so hard to do, move on but I know I have got to do it, its only for the betterment. But how.....This is the number one question....

September 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKisha

Amen Sister! Say it!!! I have been in this place many times and refuse to go back with God's help. It is not easy but prayer works. Thank you for the reminder.

September 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGladys

Hey!! So I had said Amen last time and now i'm back again because I have a testimony! After doing my Bible Time today I went on my lap top and long and behold my ex who had randomly popped up in my mind earlier in the day had requested a Sykpe Friend Request. I was in shock (the same way you were!! lol!) and I just prayed and said "Lord, give me strength". I left it pending and it was about 15 min and I got reminded of your post. So I came back on the site to re-read it. All you said spoke to me! I re-read the sentence of the memories that come to mind when I think of my ex and like you, I was a Christian but still on a different track back then. The Lord has TRULY delivered me and molded since then and I even just finished a book on praying for my future husband and I have never felt so secure. So anyway, before I ramble on, I praise God for speaking through you in advance (since the Spirit led me to come back to the post) and thank you for letting the Lord write through you! Oh and btw, I not only ignored the invitation but i blocked him :) no need to get invites over and over!! With God there is a new thing and the next man I'll have is my hubby! :) Thanks sis and Praise God! Hallelujah! There is victory in the Name of Jesus! :)

September 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTawana

Now, this is a word!

October 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLady

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