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« Whatever You Do... Don't Give Up! | Main | To Every Woman: A Note to Remind You that God Is Able »

God Is With You: A Prayer for the Woman In Distress

 There was a time in my life when I believed that God had abandoned me.  I was experiencing struggle and struggle, pain after pain, storm after storm, and it felt like the God who promised to never forsake me had done just that.  My prayers and pleas for help appeared to go unheard; my fasting seemed to be in vain; my Bible studying felt worthless.  I couldn’t feel God, I couldn’t hear him, and I felt devoid of His love and care.

But you know what?  God was always there; He never left me.  And you know what else?  He’s right there with you, too.  In all that you’re going through, though it may not always seem like it, God has not left your side.  His promise in Deuteronomy 31:8 is true – He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you.

 If you’re feeling like God has abandoned you, may the words penned below penetrate your heart, and remind you that our loving, always concerned Father is ever present with you.


Lord, I really need your help

I cannot do this on my own.

I've tried all I know to do

But still everything is going wrong.


I'm praying and fasting,

I'm standing on Your Word;

I'm putting all my faith in You

Yet Your voice I have not heard.


I'm drowning in my problems.

Can't you see I'm going under?

Your Word says You'll hold me up;

About that, I'm beginning to wonder.


Don't You see all my pain?

Don't You know about what I'm going through?

My present help in time of trouble,

Please tell me, where are You?


Where are you when the tears are falling?

Where are you when I'm searching for strength?

Where are you when my bills are due

And all my money is spent?


You said You'd never leave nor forsake me.

You said You'd never leave my side.

You said You'd always be with me

Your face You'd never hide.


So why can't I feel You?

Why can't I see Your face?

Why don't I hear Your voice?

Why does my life feel devoid of Your amazing grace?


I'm crying out to You, My Savior

Please come and rescue me.

Remind me that You're there;

Extend Your love and mercy.


My child, I am here.

I've been there all along.

I've never left your side,

You've got it all wrong.


I see you when you cry.

I feel when you are weak.

I know when you are in need,

Long before you ever speak.


I hear your prayers

I know every request.

I'm not ignoring you

I'm simply preparing you for my best.


My best answers

My best way of escape

My best plans for you

My best out-pour of grace


Have I ever not come to your rescue?

Have I ever let you down?

Have I ever failed to deliver you?

My child, I'll never let you drown.


I am your hiding place,

The shelter from your storm.

I am constantly extending my grace,

Keeping you safe from harm.


My child, don't doubt Me

My Presence is always there

I am right beside you,

even when you're unaware.


Holding your hand,

And wiping your tears.

Soothing your doubts,

and calming your fears.


When you can't hear my voice

When you don't see my hand

Know in your heart that I am with you

Forever working on your behalf.


My child, I love you deeply

You'll never fathom how much I care

You are my treasure

Trust me, Your Father is always there.


How did this speak to you? Share in the comments section or let LaKeisha know at lcollins@eewmagazine.com.

Reader Comments (15)

Beutiful poem! I feel like this sometimes like all is lost and I am abandoned. As a person who has struggled with depression I can get very low a lot so I know wht that dark place is. But every time God wraps his arms around me. I'm thankful.

July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterVette

Greetins my sister in the Lord. God will never leave us nor forsake us. Lo he is with always until the end of the earth. If we soar to the hightest mountain top he is there. IF we make our bed in the depths of heal our Lord, savior, and our God is there too. Praise God!

July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterUbi

Who wrote that poem? Is it original? Very beautiful.

July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTammy

Thanks so much for reading ladies!

Vette, God's sweet embrace is so amazing, isn't it? I love how He always reminds us that He's there. Be encouraged sis.

Ubi, Amen! I love that scripture. No matter where we are, God is right there.

Tammy, It's original...I wrote it. Thank you!

Wow! You are talented. That is a true gift from God.

July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTammy

That's really sweet, Tami. Thank you so much for your kind words.

I journal prayers a lot. It's something my first lady taught me to do because I used to never write down anything. I find that jotting down my thoughts soothes me and helps me work through my emotions. Sometimes my writing brings me to tears and helps me form the message I really want to say to God. It's like therapy for me. I love this prayer you shared today. thank you.

July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMinnie

Wonderful prayer. Amen.

July 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterFaye

Minnie, I journal prayers too. It's so cathartic, isn't it?! I can't tell you how many tears the pages of my journal has caught falling from my eyes as I write. I love that God can hear us even when we can't verbalize what the heart is saying. Thank you for reading and sharing your comment.

Faye, Thank you very much. Blessings to you!

What a beautiful poem! God Bless you!

July 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTawana

I absolutely love this poem! It captures the thoughts of the human mind, then shows the beautiful heart of our Father. *Love it*

July 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLady

When I read the part that said "Remind me that You're there" it broke me down because sometimes I feel like God isn't, like he doesn't hear me and that I'm going through all by myself. The assurance at the end was so unexpected and much needed. It reminds me of some of my favorite Psalms that begin at a place of despair and end with rejoicing. This was so uplifting today!

July 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTaylor

Lady, thank you for reading and sharing your comment.

Taylor, It warms my heart to know that you were uplifted by reading this.

Love & Hugs to you ladies!

WOW! Thank you Lord!!!!!

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterYolie Seward

I m at the bottom of the pit right now. Your poem is encouraging n up-lifting. Thank you. Thank you.

August 3, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDoreen K

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