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8 Choices Winners Make: Part 1

I always struggled with not feeling smart enough, good enough…enough to achieve the things that burned within my heart.  But over time, I realized that I don’t have to be extraordinary to change the world.  I just have to make extraordinary choices in the moment of decision.

I recently spoke at a youth program at a local church on the topic of “Going to the Next Level!”  In life, we must understand that some “nexts” are guaranteed and some are conditional.  The guaranteed ones are a product of time and beyond our control... like next week and next year.  These things will occur with or without our approval. 

However, there is a “next” in life that is completely dependent on how we respond to the “NOW” in life.  The Word is clear that promotion doesn’t come because we want it…it comes when we are ready! 

So how do we best prepare and position ourselves to align our actions with God’s purposed promotion for our lives?

There are eight choices that we must make in order to experience promotion.  These are choices that present themselves to everyone.   From Abraham to Jesus to you… your choices in these areas will make the difference between growth and freedom or staying “stuck!”

On a daily basis, we will be presented with the opportunity to:

We can either make excellence or mediocrity our standard.  Being mediocre requires a lot less energy, focus and discipline –making it easier.   But the pursuit of excellence best serves our lives.  Refusing to settle for the staus quo won’t make you popular.   In fact, it will invite criticism.    Daring to fly above the radar will stir others insecurities and ire. 

 On a daily basis, we will be presented with the opportunity to be small.  Without warning, we will be given the choice of being petty or being great. The urge to “strike back” or “get even” can at times be overwhelming, but the purposes of Christ are not served by feeding our carnal tendencies. Instead, we must learn to lead the way to a different experience by choosing greatness in those critical moments.  The Bible says it is to a man’s glory to overlook an offense.  Choose greatness and enlarge your capacity. 

People don’t know you matter until you let them know that you know you do.  Whether in the world or in  the church, many still live under the influence of low self-esteem.  This often results in them being critical, nitpicking or rejecting of others in an effort to create personal significance.  Regardless of how others may attempt to make you feel—know that your life, your story matters!  In our worst state, Christ gave His tlife in exchange for the ransom of ours.  Live in the power of the knowledge that you are so important that He died for your purpose to be manifested in the Earth.

  The disappointments of life can lead to bitterness.  When things don’t go the way we expected or think they should, we have a decision to make.  Do we become bitter and disillusioned? Or do we maintain our expectation for good?  I encourage you to keep expecting good.  Let the cup of bitterness pass you by because drinking from it will only poison your soul – making you the thing you despise.  The state of living in constant anger is debilitating to your physical and emotional health.  Bitterness makes you toxic and your toxicity is a threat to the vitality and life of the things you hold most dear.

Practice the affirmation, “I choose to make the choices that winners make.  I am destined to overcome and win in life.  His image is being formed in me as I make the right choices daily!”

Join me next time to discover the remaining 4 choices that winners make!

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Reader Comments (1)

I needed this encouragement today, especially the part about being bitter. I am working on not letting life's lemons make me sour (no pun, intended) and bitter, but instead make lemonade and keep in my mind and heart that the Lord is working things out for my good. The enemy is always trying to get you to think otherwise, but that reminds me that I need to continuously stay prayed up. It gets hard sometimes because I am dealing with an anxiety disorder, but I know that if I keep my mind on the Lord, he will keep me in perfect peace.

March 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAnita

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