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Prepare to Step Into Your Moment: It's Time To Do What's Best for You

George T was my dream date for my junior high school prom.  My crush on him was huge and serious.  But my parents didn't believe that 14-year-olds should have dates.  And oh yeah....George wasn’t interested in me in that way.  He only wanted to be friends.

So, my date was my closest cousin, Jennifer.  We were inseparable as kids, and for reasons I can’t remember, she wasn’t going to her school’s prom.  In all honesty, it was my Mama’s idea for Jennifer to go with me.  She was determined that if Jen couldn't go to her prom, she should come to mine.  Initially, I resisted the suggestion.  It wasn’t that I didn’t want my cousin’s companionship.  I justdidn’t want to spend the evening making sure she was comfortable with my friends.  I just wanted to enjoy the much awaited event.

My worries were in vain, because she fit right in.  We had fun and the evening ran smoothly until it was time to take prom pictures.  Truthfully, I wanted to take my picture alone.  After all, it was my junior high school prom.  But I heard my mother’s voice telling me that my desire was selfish.  So, I took my prom picture with my cousin.  Well, imagine my surprise when moments later, Jennifer pulled money from her purse to take
her solo prom picture.  I immediately regretted my decision, but it was too late.  The rest of the night I felt cheated.  She had her solo prom picture at my prom!

Read the full article here...


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