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Let There Be...Life Without Stress and Struggle

My aim was to be up around 5 AM this morning knowing full well I had a lot to do. It would be a non-stop day and not much time to pause. But lo and behold it was around 7 AM when I awakened so I hurriedly gathered myself, took care of my hygiene needs, and rushed into the secret place. Sitting in my comfy chair to have conversations with God is the most important part of my day.

Because of the two-hour loss of time this morning, I could have awakened with a panicky attitude, but by choice, I became calm and entered into his rest. You see, we are not designed for stress. Years ago I would dwell on things that bothered me. I wouldn’t venture out to do what was on my heart because of what I thought people would say. But now, I automatically redesign my thinking patterns, oftentimes, right on the spot, because it's the healthy thing to do.

Sometimes you have to laugh out loud at situations. Come on, laugh with me because a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones (Proverbs 17:22). This is a learned behavior—certainly not a gift I naturally possess.

Thinking back on my earlier years, stress was actually the norm for me. As an aggressive “Type A” personality, if things weren’t going my way, my attitude would magnify the matter, causing me to mentally blow situations out of proportion. Without understanding the disaster of my self-limiting, emotional statements, my life and future was chaotic. Thinking on the areas where I’d failed and then, blaming everyone else, became the norm for me.

Thank God that is no longer the design of my life and it doesn’t have to be yours either.

You don’t have to live with stress and chaos. You were not designed to struggle. Changing the atmosphere of your day is a skill that can be learned.  It’s like writing out a grocery list. Many of you have lists, don’t you? The list is like a GPS that directs you on where to go and what to do.

I like to call it programming.

It is similar to the process of developing a functional and beautiful design space for clients, which begins with asking questions…lots and lots of questions. The technical term “programming,” really means seeking to find out “how” the client wants to live in the space.

Once I understand the client’s lifestyle, priorities, wants, needs and dreams, I then personalize an otherwise generic space that, afterward, takes on meaning, personality and becomes a home.

In the same way, you can program the spaces of your sacred house and ask yourself lots and lots of questions to find out how you want to live your life. I like to consider the interior spaces of your life as rooms, such as your: thought room, hearing room, vision room, heart room and speaking room, simply because life is lived from within. The rooms are the gateway to your future, while, from these rooms, you can personalize your priorities, wants, needs and dreams.

Get the picture?

Each room of your life plays an equally important role in the décor of your future. Paul writes it this way, “Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity.”

Here’s what I did and consider this an opportunity for you to begin the programming process of your inner life. Keep in mind that your life begins one day at a time.

I created “My Daily Attitude Blueprint” to jump start my day and to keep me grounded, focused and confident. Reading the first chapter of Genesis, we see that God created the world by His words. We all know that. The revelation is this: He commanded this by saying, “Let.” That one simple, yet profound, word can also profoundly change the course of your life.

Transform the chaos in your life by speaking, "Let it be.” As co-creators with the Creator, you can bring order to chaos, bring about life and bring order to every area of your life. It will sound something like this:

  • ·         Let today be a good day for me.
  • ·         Let my day be void of strife.
  • ·         Let my attitude be always pleasant as I walk in my confident and competent nature.

You can personalize the décor of your sacred house this way. Just as you would renovate, redesign and renew the interiors of your home, likewise you can do the same.  Begin designing your personal awesome future so you can experience inner healing, secure your future and make your mark in the world.

A stress-less and struggle-free life is very possible when you make the quality decision to let it be.

You can rise early every morning feeling excited about your life and retire every night, knowing you’re closer to your destiny, in a confident and self-assured way.

Here’s a link to an upcoming seminar that will show you the renovating and redesign process.   www.DeanaMurphyGlobal.com/myawesomefuture

If this article speaks to your heart, please let me know by commenting below or sending me a private email to dmurphy@eewmagazine.com

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    Let There Be...Life Without Stress and Struggle - Deana Murphy: Motivation - News from a faith-based perspective
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Reader Comments (9)

LET THERE BE a stress free life!! YES God!!!!!

March 11, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterEJ

I love you and your articles so much. You always challenge me to look at things in new ways and examine them from different perspectives. What an awesome new outlook I have after reading this. Wow.

March 11, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPauletta

I receive this!!! I am claiming a stress-less and struggle-free life in Jesus name!

March 11, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterVee

This is crazy confirmation because our pastor has us doing a study on worry taken from Matthew 6:25-34!!!!! I am working on my graduate degree and juggling two jobs. It has been a hard season and the study we're doing called "NO WORRYING IN 2013" is helping me a lot. I have been seeking God in this area, asking God to guide me and work on my tendency to get fretful and anxious over even the littlest things. And what do you know? Here you go talking about the VERY SAME THING I am working on in my spiritual life. God is good. Thanks Dr. D!!!

March 11, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterEbonique

Dear EJ,

Absolutely! Thank you for your comment.


March 12, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

Dear Pauletta,

Thank you for you kind words. How thrilling to learn you are being touched by this column. Ministering to women is what I love to do. Without a challenge, there's no change. Keep rising in your desire to design the life you love. All things are possible when you believe.


March 12, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

In agreement with you Vee all the way. Learn to do it one day at a time!


March 12, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

Dear Ebonique,

The Scriptures tells us to be anxious for nothing but by prayer and supplication make your requests known to God. The bottom line is this, if He wants to handle your worries, give it to Him. There's no way you can compete with that!

So happy to hear that God is speaking to us all on giving Him something to work with. So glad you took the time to read my column.


March 12, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

Thank you for sharing. God Bless

March 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterShai'

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