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Get Victory Over Fear & Discouragement

That morning as my daughter walked upstairs to my bedroom, with sounds of a thousand pounds of weight in every step, holding what appeared to be a life-less body of her newborn son in her arms, I could hear him choking while gasping for breath. My daughter’s face looked hopeless; she walked towards my bed like a zombie saying nothing and handed the precious bundle to me.

At that moment my faith surged into super-charge position. I said, “Call the hospital while I get dressed and tell them we are on our way!”  I know my daughter thought I was a woman gone mad as I began quoting every scripture I could think of as I was putting on my clothes while still holding the baby in my arms, telling the devil he was not taking my grandson’s life! That child was given to God in his mother’s womb and would be used of God as his name declares!

I had no time to become fearful and discouraged because of what I was seeing.

That was fourteen years ago. My grandson, Isaiah David, today is a healthy, competitive wrestler, and is on his school’s wrestling team. Though the symptoms of asthma have attacked him during his growing years, he is focused-forward on his academics, extra-curricular activities, healthy living and God.

That day marked victory over fear and discouragement for my family.

Here’s how this insidious spirit works. Discouragement shows up in the emotion of its cousin—fear. It is a hindrance to what you are expecting. We expect Isaiah David to live up to his name and live out his destiny. This didn’t seem to be on that morning fourteen years ago. We had the choice of panicking and allowing emotions to follow feelings, or disallow fear to control decisions. We chose the latter. You always have choices when faced with a discouraging situation.

Challenge “Sista Discouragement” and “Cousin Fear.”

Both of these cause a disease of the mind and keep you in the shallow things of life. Catch this: when you lack motivation, passion and you defer activities to a future time (procrastinate), somewhere, there’s the spirit of fear and discouragement. Your mind has become dis-eased.

The victory comes as you reverse the symptoms.

You can super-charge the right emotions every time you simply make up your mind to challenge the wrong ones. Become motivated, passionate and functional.

“How do I do that Dr. Deana?” I am glad you asked.

By remembering who you are!

I remembered who God said I am when Isaiah David was attacked that morning. I remembered no weapon formed against me will be able to prosper (Isaiah 54:17) not because of anything that I’d done, but because of what Jesus has done (Isaiah 53:5). I remembered he is with me when I pass through the waters and the rivers cannot overflow me, and flames cannot scorch me when challenges come (Isaiah 43:1-2). I remembered the word is powerful and is sharper than a double-edge sword and I used it to cut up the devil that morning (Hebrews 4:12). I remembered if God be with me, who can be against me (Romans 8:31). I had to tell myself these things.

You have to remember who you are!

Your worst enemy is fear. However, in order for fear and discouragement (the devil) to get to you, he has to first go through Christ. Remembering who you are is knowing that Christ is in you. The word of God teaches you that the God you believe lives inside of you. This is the victory that overcomes the world—your faith.

Fear and discouragement must never control your decisions.

The victory to overcome fear and discouragement is in what you believe in your heart and what you confess out of your mouth.

This is what empowered me that day when I saw Isaiah David lying limp in his mother’s arms. I put God in remembrance of his word, fired back at the enemy with scripture to overcome fear and discouragement, and the devil had to bite the bullets as he lost in that spiritual assault.

I was and continue to be victorious, and you will too!

References (3)

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    Response: breaking news
    Thanks for your useful post. In recent times, I have come to be able to understand that the particular symptoms of mesothelioma are caused by the build up associated fluid between your lining in the lung and the chest muscles cavity. The ailment may start within the chest vicinity and propagate ...
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    Get Victory Over Fear & Discouragement - Deana Murphy: Motivation - EEW Magazine
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    Response: Building muscles
    Get Victory Over Fear & Discouragement - Deana Murphy: Motivation - News from a faith-based perspective

Reader Comments (6)

Glory to God!! My son suffers from asthma and God has kept him for 28 years and he hasn't slowed down yet. Thank you for sharing that encouraging story. It made me think about one very scary episode 8 years ago and every time I feel afraid I go back to that and say if God did THAT he can do anything! What a great article. Thanks Dr. Deana!

January 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSheila

You are the greatest motivator on the PLANET! Always look forward to your articles because they get me fired up! I'm facing a really challenging task. My pastor put me over a new educational department and I feel like I don't know WHAT I'm doing but I trust God to bring me through. I'm reminding him of his word. I can do all things through Christ!

January 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLexi

I am a big procastinator because of fear of failure! But I'm releasing fear and activating faith this year. In Jesus name!

January 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTracee Dixon

Dear Sheila,

When Jesus said faith can move mountains, that's what he meant! I've learned that fear will always be around. So you just have to out-wit fear with something greater and more powerful. and that's always God's promises. Praising God for your son's 28 years of faith and a long life of satisfaction and fulfillment.


January 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

Dear Lexi,

You made me cry! Oh my God what an awesome compliment. If I can touch the life of just one person with my words then my life is not in vain. It is people like you that gives me the drive and energy to continue doing what I do, designing the lives of women, one woman at a time. Thank you for your sweet comment.

Of course you can carry out the position entrusted to you by your pastor. Remember this: your pastor hears from God. If God can trust you, your pastor can trust you, then Ms. Lexi, it's not YOUR TURN to trust you! Keep me apprised of how you are making out.


January 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

Dear Tracee,

Girl loosen your grip and step out there and do what is in your heart. So what if you fail! You will be among the great, like Bill Gates, (his first microsoft business failed) and Walt Disney (he was fired by a newspaper editor because, "he lacked imagination and had no good ideas.)"

Tracee, sounds to me you're on your way to the top even if you fall on the way. Just get up and keep it moving. Here's a side note for you, procrastination is a stealer of life!


January 29, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

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