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Develop a Spirit of Determination

First things first. You matter. You have an intrinsic worth and an inherent value that you don’t have to buy, earn, or be apologetic about possessing.  Second, you are destined to make your mark and to make a difference in the world. It was placed in you before the foundations of the world. Here’s how the Lord put it to Jeremiah, “I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you…” (Jeremiah 1:5).

Taking this further then, I say to you God was not only speaking in that passage to Jeremiah. He is saying that to you right now. He formed you, set you apart and appointed your purpose before He formed you in the womb. God is a God of completion. He has completed you with everything you need to walk into your destiny. Your responsibility, your mission, your obligation (if you decide to take it) is to become determined to fulfill your purpose.

As for me, there’s a determination inside me for 2013 like never before.

Lately I’ve been thinking about my life and where I want to go. I am talking about a focused-forward kind of thinking. Many people start their New Year with certain goals in mind to better their lives and improve their futures. But what I’m feeling isn’t mere goal-oriented thinking.

My determination, dedication and devotion, is reaching my 2013 destination with the same tenacity as a bulldog holding onto a bone.

That sort of relentless thinking coupled with action can change everything.

Unfortunately, the natural tendency of many well-intentioned people is to shy away from pursuing the change they want. If we are inexperienced in an area, we are inclined to move back to a place where we are comfortable.

A couple of weeks ago, I had this very same challenge with a client. She was reluctant to take an hour’s drive to an event for fear of the unfamiliar. I coached her into stretching herself to remove those boundaries because I saw it was necessary for her growth.

Fear is inevitable once you decide to face new things. Look at it this way; everything you’re doing right now was once something new that you had never done before and you more than likely were determined to do it. Selah.

Let me help you develop the spirit of determination. You can say it’s an excitable focus characterized by a kind of “stick-to-it-tive-ness” approach.

Determination does what others won’t. It seals the drafts from the doors of your thought room and shuts out anything that weakens your effectiveness. Things like: frivolous phone calls, mindless TV watching; unhealthy temptations and indulgences. Now, I am not suggesting that you put aside all pastimes, but rather, be focused forward on where you want to go. (A little sidebar here…by the way, the television is telling you of someone else’s vision. You need time to uncover your own.)

Every time you allow your focus and concentration to be broken, you weaken your resolve. Never forget this.

So here’s what you have to do: free yourself from every barrier and all the bondages, and knock down every wall that has you trapped. You have to develop an inner- knowing that tells you what you have done with your life up to this point is not all there is. There’s more for you! Your life is bigger than any circumstance. And all the things God has placed in your heart to accomplish, with determination and perseverance is possible.

Say this with me: “My utmost determination is to give my best, be my best and design my absolute best life in 2013, and ultimately take my best place among the world’s leaders, because I can.”

Congratulations! You have the spirit of the determined finisher.

If this article has touched you, please let me know by your comments below or an email at dmurphy@eewmagazine.com

Reader Comments (3)

Excellent article! Just what I needed and this is definitely a worthy goal for me :)

January 2, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSandra

Happy New Year Dr. D!! Thank you for your wisdom. You've got fired up and determined. Bless you!

January 2, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTaylor

This is exactly what I needed to read, thank so much for your wisdom. I am getting my life back on track and this what I need to read. Thank Dr. Deana. Happy New Year and God Bless You!

January 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterToobless25

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