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It's Never As Hard As It Looks: Paint Your Situation the Color of Victory

Have you ever painted your walls a color that didn’t look the same as in the store? It seemed dull and depressing in the space. Yet under the lighting in the store the color looked picture-perfect for your room. Much the same way, when viewing certain areas of our lives under the light of our natural perceptions, things may appear dull and depressing and solutions may look hard to reach.

From my own experiences I can emphatically tell you that hard times are not as hard as they look, unless of course you are looking at them through the wrong type of lighting. If you are looking at your circumstances through the wrong eyes, wrong thoughts and wrong people, you will see the wrong outcomes. You will see struggle, stress and strain. There could be a seemingly insurmountable and hopeless situation before you, but I know from life lessons that looking under the right lighting, these situations are no match for who you are and how you’ve been equipped. With a different lighting perspective, those situations will shrink like a piece of wool fabric that’s thrown in the wash.

Looking back on the time my SUV was totaled in an accident, initially it looked hopeless. My wonderful husband’s philosophy was we’d paid off the note and the SUV was over five years old so this meant he could drop the collision insurance.  His thinking was if the car is totaled, we will just buy another car. Granted it was a foolish maneuver because we didn’t recover the car’s value which could have been used towards the purchase of a new car. During a different season, yes we could possibly just buy another car. During the time the accident occurred, however, we were seriously hurting financially. Buying another car looked impossible! (You must know I wasn’t happy at all with Mr. Wonderful in this episode.)  But my point is I had to look past my situation and see the results through the light of God’s Kingdom provision.

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    Response: tattoos
    It's Never As Hard As It Looks: Paint Your Situation the Color of Victory - Deana Murphy: Motivation - EEW Magazine

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