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Trust God through the Storm: Pray, Believe & Listen to His Voice

I wanted so much to wake up and discover that it was a bad dream.  “I must prepare you for the worst and explain that you should begin packing some clothes to get out of there,” the lady on the phone said to my cousin. “The Constable will be there in the morning to change the locks to your front door and you’ll no longer have access to your home.” In my mind I am thinking, “Why did she wait until the last minute to say something about this?”

What an emotional roller-coaster ride. The details were so confusing.  Then I recognized that God was not in that. God is not the author of confusion.   I knew then that my beloved cousin had been set-up.  While praying with my friend Veda about this, she suddenly said, “There’s a heavy stronghold over this situation!” “We have to praise and worship because that will break down this thing.” I began praising and worshiping God and told my cousin to do the same until she felt a release.

At 3:30 AM the following morning, the morning the order of execution of possession, I was awakened and heard a whisper, “Daughter get up and pray.” When you are led to get out of your warm bed in the middle of a restful sleep and go into a cold room to pray, do it anyway! I went into another room even without my robe because I felt the urgency to move quickly. I prayed in the Holy Ghost and worshipped God for some time and then returned to bed.

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    Trust God through the Storm: Pray, Believe & Listen to His Voice - Deana Murphy: Motivation - EEW Magazine
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    Great Web-site, Carry on the wonderful job. Appreciate it.

Reader Comments (5)

Thank you for this encouraging story. I am going through a similar storm. I feel like I don't know which way to turn. The world seems so loud that I can't hear God's voice. I needed to read this today to remember where my help comes from.

God Bless You.

March 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGladys

I felt compelled to leave you a quick note to let you know how very much this article meant to me. The story and the lesson behind the story spoke much to my heart and soul. It let me know that I must keep myself prayed up and constantly immersed in The Word... keeping it ever present and alive in my heart, mind, and soul so that I can unleash It in It's fullness whenever and wherever needed. May God continue to bless and keep you and your ministry.

March 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDian

Dear Gladys,

When I sat down to talk with my cousin, she shared that the first thing that came from her mouth was, "I refuse to fear." What she did was stop the devil in his tracks because he can only operate on your fears. She went on to say that she spoke to "lack" and "debt" everyday and told them that she was not going to leave her home until she was ready to move. Faith is a forceful action. I pray that you turn your fears into faith filled words and give God something to work with.

I admonish you to please do not say you cannot hear God's voice. He said His sheep hears his voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow. The devil wants you to think that you can't hear God. I understand that the voice of the bills are streaming at you but Child of God, stream back! Plead the blood over your home and your possessions and again, give God something to work with.

I pray for a exponential turnaround for you.


March 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

Dear Dian,

Thank you for your note. I thank God that it touched your heart. If we do what Proverbs 4:20-23 says, we are guaranteed victory and success. Stay with the Word. Blessings to you!


March 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Deana

Ms. Murphy,
Thank you for this column. It was an on time word for me. My husband and I are facing the worst financial experience of our 20 years of marriage. I have been a stay at home mother of four sons for the past 12 years and my husband has been the sole provider. Now, his job (from a church) has been "dissolved" and he has been unable to find another source of income to sustain us. Over the last few days, I have been weary to the point of phyiscal tiredness and feeling sick. I am a prayer warrior but I am tired of the financial battle that has been attacking us for so long. We have heard several "words" that the Lord is going to bless us financially but it has not manifested yet. I am holding onto the conviction that's in my heart even when others (especially family members) think that I should go in another direction. But I believe the Lord has assigned me to be home with my sons. The LORD is providing for us in miraculous ways through this tough time and I am grateful. I don't doubt Him but I am tired and need this long season to end so that we can be effective in what He's called us to do in ministry. Please pray for us.

March 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLynn

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