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Remember Who & Whose You Are: How to Keep Things in Perspective

I was sitting here thinking that God has a sense of humor.

There’s no other explanation I could come up with for what was going through my mind. A couple of years ago he spoke to me to elevate, educate and motivate his people.  Initially I had no idea what he meant or how to do that. Later it occurred to me that I had been sort of doing this all along, in my small way. I knew that it was important to me to let people know there’s always a way out of situations and circumstances.  I truly believe that. Therefore, I began sharing my heart about this subject matter during my 360 Mountain Moving Motivation calls.

And then the enemy strikes back.

Within the last couple of weeks, my husband and I have been under so much pressure.  We were threatened with a civil suit and to add insult to injury, I later received an unpleasant report from my doctor. How does God expect me to elevate, educate and motivate others when I need someone to encourage me?


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