God Will Help You OVERCOME Any Hardship
Sunday, August 26, 2012 at 11:35AM
EEW BUZZ EDITORS in Christian inspirational articles, God will help you, God will help you overcome any hardship by Lakeisha Rainey Collins, Lakeisha Rainey-Collins, Overcoming Struggles, Trustting God, fortune cookies, lakeisha rainey-collins, overcome hardship, trust God

For the past few weeks, I have had an insatiable craving for Chinese food – sweet & sour chicken with a side of mixed vegetables, to be exact.  My boys love the fortune cookies, so they are ecstatic about mommy’s current food of choice, because that means they get to indulge in one of their favorite snacks every time we visit the local Chinese takeout restaurant. 

One thing we enjoy doing before the boys ravage the cookies is pulling out the little white strip of paper tucked inside, and reading the “fortune.”  We usually get random sayings that make us laugh, but on this particular day, we got a really good one.

“Alright now” I said as I read, and I waved my hand in the air.

“What does it say, Ma?” my oldest son inquired.

“God will help you overcome any hardship,” I responded.

“Hallelujah!” he shouted, and jumped up from the table as if he was dancing in the spirit.

If I never believed anything I’ve ever read from a fortune cookie, I surely believed that fortune I received a few days ago, because I know it’s a fact.

I’ve faced many hardships in my lifetime, but one thing I can say is that no matter how hard the situation might have been, God helped me to overcome.  Whether my issue was emotional, physical, financial, spiritual, sexual, or mental, the powerful hand of God brought me over it.  And He continuously does so.

There were definitely times when things in my life were so hard, that it seemed not even God could help me.  But that couldn’t be further from the truth, because there is absolutely nothing too hard for God, and His Word promises that He will deliver the righteous from all afflictions.  (Psalm 34:19)

I don’t know what hardships you may be facing today, but I do know that God’s strength, grace, mercy, and power will help you overcome.  It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been suffering, how low you may be, how intense the struggle, or what the enemy is whispering in your mind, God will bring you through.

The very same God who parted the Red Sea to rescue the Israelites from Pharaoh and his army, will make a way for you to overcome the enemy. (Exodus 14)

Jesus Christ, who abundantly fed the multitude with two fish and five loaves, will abundantly provide for you and your family. (Mark 6:35-44)

Our powerful Savior, who raised Lazarus from the dead, will resurrect those areas within you that are lifeless. (John 11:1-40)

Our merciful Lord, who graciously forgave the woman caught in the act of adultery, will pardon you of your sins and wipe your slate clean. (John 8:1-11)

He is the same, yesterday, today, and forevermore.  If He did it back then, He can surely do it again.

God has the solution to any problem you’re facing right now.  All is not lost; God will help you overcome.  Trust His strength; trust His wisdom; trust His timing; obey His word; keep the faith, and watch Him bring you through.

Article originally appeared on News from a faith-based perspective (https://buzz.eewmagazine.com/).
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