To Every Woman: A Note to Remind You that God Is Able
Sunday, July 1, 2012 at 5:49PM
EEW BUZZ EDITORS in Christian Inspiration, God is able to heal, Inspiration, Isaiah 61:3, Overcoming Struggles, broken women, christian inspiration, wholeness

I cross paths with women from all walks of life, and many of them remind me of the girl I used to be.  The Lord has healed and restored my life in so many ways that I don’t think I could ever truly tell of all He’s done.  But it is my heart’s greatest desire is to let every woman I meet know that the Lord is able to meet her at her very point of need, no matter how low it may be, and heal in every area where there is pain and brokenness.

Today, may you be encouraged in knowing that the Lord will restore the years you’ve sown in tears and fill your life with unspeakable joy. (Psalm 126:5)

This is from my heart to yours:

To the woman who has no self-esteem...

To the woman who is haunted by the guilt and pain of her past...

To the woman who still feels victim to her molester, or rapist...

To the woman who tries to find her value through men...

To the woman who struggles with promiscuity...

To the woman who is bound by pornography...

To the woman who feels lost and confused...

To the woman who has a broken heart...

To the woman who numbs her feelings with alcohol...

To the woman who feels unwanted and unloved...

To the woman who had no father...

To the woman who is searching for identity...

To the woman who battles depression...

To the woman who desires to be free...

To the woman who longs for love...

To the woman searching for direction...

To the woman who wants to be whole...

To heal your hurt.

To ease your pain.

To erase your guilt.

To break your chains.

To wipe your slate clean.

To fill your void.

To lift your head.

To strengthen your heart.

To order your steps.

To destroy your strongholds.

To give you joy.

To restore your life.

To refresh your spirit.

To set you free.

To build you up.

To bring you out.

To awaken you to love.

To make you whole.

To show you purpose, and use you for His glory.

I know, because He's done it ALL for me. 

If you look to Him, and give all of your pain, worries, insecurities, or whatever seems to have you feeling empty and devoid of the true magnitude of His love and goodness towards you, He will be and do everything have need of.

“To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory.”

(Isaiah 61:3)

So... what woman are/were you?  What has God done/what is God doing in your life? Share in the comments section or feel free to email me at

Article originally appeared on News from a faith-based perspective (
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