The Battle for Your Mind
Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 11:54AM
EEW BUZZ EDITORS in Mind, battle of the mind, evil thoughts, lakeisha rainey-collins, mental battles, mental strongholds, mind, putting your mind under subjection, satan and the mind

Lately, I’ve found myself in a bit of a battle with the enemy.  He has been trying to reclaim a space that he no longer has possession of – my mind.  I evicted him a couple of years ago, and for some reason he thinks he can just come back and set up homestead again. 

It seems that the more I submit myself to the Lord and the plans He has for my life, here comes that old raggedy devil trying to throw a monkey wrench into the works.  Well I’m not having it.

Our relationship is over, and the space he once occupied in my mind has been filled with soundness.  I’m free, and I intend to remain that way.

My mind used to be the devil’s playground; he’d get in there and play all kinds of games.  All of the lies and crazy thoughts he planted in my mind had me all out of sorts.  For years, I was so mentally unstable, going through life in a daze because I couldn’t think straight.  My mind was not sound at all.  And because my psyche was under the enemy’s influence, my life, in turn, was in complete disarray. 

I fought a long, hard battle through prayer, fasting, and meditating on God’s word to overcome the enemy in that area of my life, and I refuse to ever allow him to control, or influence, my mind again.

Clearly, although the Lord has freed me from that bondage, it still doesn’t stop Satan from trying to ease his way back into my thoughts, overtake my mind, and ultimately knock me off the path that God destined for me.  Oh but the devil’s a liar, because John 8:36 declares that “if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” I will not be going on anymore mental trips.

I am serving the devil notice that he should’ve kept me ensnared when he had the chance. Now the spirit of the Lord resides and works in me, and because of that, I am forever free.  Never again will I be entangled by the yoke of bondage in my mind, or any other area of my life. You can't have my mind.

You should make the same declaration.

If the Lord has delivered you from something, or someone, don’t you dare allow the enemy to trap you again.  The fact that God freed you indicates that there’s somewhere He’s trying to take you; the fact that the enemy wants to keep you bound indicates that He doesn’t want you to get to that place in God.  The Lord did not, or will not, break your chains simply because He has the power to do so. But there is a reason behind that. He doesn’t want anything to hold you back from soaring and becoming all that He’s destined you to be. He desires for you to live out His amazing purpose for your life.

But the enemy, on the other hand, has a three-part goal in mind: to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10).  He has nothing but demise in mind when it comes to the children of God.  So when he comes to steal your joy, kill your destiny, or destroy your life, fire back with your God-given ammunition. 

Satan’s powers are erased by the power of God’s word. 

If you’re like me and you’ve been in a freedom-fight with the enemy, keep pressing onward.  Speak the word of God over yourself and stand fast in the liberty where Christ has made you free (Galatians 5:1).  Declare that you will not return to that place of bondage, whether in your mind; in sin; in addiction; in bitterness; in unforgiveness; in relationships; or in conformity.  You are free.

If the Spirit of God that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, you have all you need to overcome the enemy in any arena. When the enemy comes against you, simply press all the more into the powerful presence of the Lord, and Satan will flee far from you.  

Article originally appeared on News from a faith-based perspective (
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