Don't Count Yourself Out!
Sunday, September 23, 2012 at 8:44PM
EEW BUZZ EDITORS in Coach Felicia Scott, Coach Felicia Scott, Reaching Potential, america's top speakers, believe in yourself, believe you can win, best speakers, don't count yourself out, eWomenNetwork’s North America’s Next Greatest Speaker contest, pursuing purpose, speaking, you can do it

Competing in the eWomenNetwork’s North America’s Next Greatest Speaker contest was an amazing experience that surpassed all of my hopes and expectations.  To this day, I still can’t believe I was named the winner, considering the vast talent and expertise of the other nine speakers. 

But even more meaningful than being crowned the winner was the journey to that moment. 

I discovered the contest accidentally—but in hindsight I know that it was on purpose.  For years, I invested my time and talent in a job and career that meant little more to me than a consistent paycheck and good health coverage.  Career wise, I was like a hamster on a wheel—perpetually running and not going anywhere.  As I sought for ways to be more fulfilled, I was always looking for a better job.  Basically, seeking more of the same.  Yes, there were dreams for my business and ministry that burdened my heart, but there was a security I was not ready to release.  Finally, last year after hitting several brick walls I realized that one of the main reasons I wasn’t prospering was because I was pursuing the wrong things.

I was so busy making my job a focal point of my purpose, that I spent little time or energy building the right things in my life.  That frustration would be my reality as long as I kept investing my everything in the things that didn’t touch my soul. 

Once I turned my attention to pursuing the dreams in my heart, a world of resources and relationships opened up to me in ways that I couldn’t have imagined.  It wasn’t easy shifting my focus.  Quite frankly, walking through new open doors challenged me in ways that staying the same did not.

On the surface, it might seem that entering the contest was a no-brainer.  I mean after all, I am a speaker and the contest was a great opportunity for speakers.  But, it was something I personally had to think about.  The first round of the contest required that I enter a 90-second video.  Immediately, I started thinking of ways that I wasn’t good enough.  I confess that I had to watch 20 minutes of my video footage before I gave myself room to believe that I had a shot at making it.  My fears were talking to me…reminding me of my insufficiency, unworthiness and lack.  I knew the voices well because they had stopped me many times before in the past.   I knew the only way I was going to keep myself from chickening out was to share my plans to enter with my close family and friends.

The road to standing on stage with the award in my hand was filled with many personal and professional ups and downs.  I would need more space to share the many ways in which I had to battle my personal demons to “step into my moment.”  Even after making the top ten, there were times so challenging that I considered bowing out altogether.  But every step of the way, when I took a step of faith…my faith was rewarded.

My first purpose in writing today is to say thank you to my EEW family.  My second purpose is to remind you all to keep moving towards your dreams.   I would never have won, if I didn’t take the risk.  I couldn’t win, if I didn’t enter.  Life and disappointments trick us into thinking that we can’t lose if we don’t try.  But, if you aren’t willing to risk it—then you aren’t ready to win.  We all have fears that we must battle as we strive to become the women we know in our hearts that we are destined to be.

Ladies…things can’t change if we choose to remain the same.  The only changes we will experience will be a result of life happening “to” us—not God moving “through” us.  Today is the day where you get to decide who you want to be and how you want to live your life.   

Live It:  Create a profile of who you aspire to be.  Makes sure you take time to fully describe who you wish to be in all areas of your life – financial, career, emotional, social, relationships and health.  Next, have the “new you” analyze your current progress in the above areas.  What would she do differently?  What would she change and why?  Next, begin the process of becoming by focusing on making change in one of these areas.

Article originally appeared on News from a faith-based perspective (
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