Shifting Focus from Greed to Gratitude: Remember what the Holidays are Truly About
Saturday, November 19, 2011 at 6:48PM
EEW BUZZ EDITORS in Coach Felicia Scott, appetite, christmas, coaching, felicia scott, greed, holiday eating tips, holidays, self-control, self-control, thanksgiving

A bi-weekly coaching column by Encouragement CoachTM Felicia Scott

I am a little confused as to what Thanksgiving is really about.  I know it is supposed to be about fellowshipping with family and friends, while being thankful to God for His many blessings.  But, I think many of us have clearly lost touch with its true meaning and significance.

Rather than being about gratitude, I think Thanksgiving has become the perfect excuse for throwing away all restraint and indulging in our appetites.  Every day this week, I’ve either participated in or overheard someone discussing or fretting over the Thanksgiving dinner menu.  However, I haven’t heard one person share what they are grateful for and how they can share it with others.  Believe me, I would not dare throw stones, because I am guilty of the same.  I doubt you could find a woman who finds more pleasure in a plate of her Mama’s homemade stuffing than me.

Oddly enough, during a season where our thoughts should be more focused on the intangible blessings of life, Thanksgiving has become the justification for eating until we need the relief that comes in a jar of rainbow colored antacids.  While we may laugh about our behavior around the dinner table, the truth is that greed is no laughing matter.  In fact, scripture tells us that our greed can lead us to “curse and spurn God” (Ps 10:3) and we are to guard ourselves against greed in any and every form that it presents itself (Luke 12:15).

As we enter the holiday season, I think we should challenge ourselves to conquer any greed or inappropriate desires that may be lurking in our lives.  I don’t want to be a wet rag, but now is the perfect time to begin to make changes.  If you’re thinking that now is not the time for that, I would like to counter that it is the perfect time.  By making a conscious choice to challenge greed in its every form in our lives, we are making the decision to exercise restraint and put our flesh under God’s control.   

1. Limit Yourself:  Just imagine the pageantry of the traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas spreads lying before you.  The natural temptation is to take everything you want and enjoy it. Rather than giving into that desire, limit yourself to indulging in the 3-5 things that you want the most.  I know it won’t be easy, but the conscious practice of controlling your appetites is key to keeping your lusts and desires under control.

 If you can’t pass up everything you want, then pick a smaller plate than usual and fill her up.  The whole point is to control your appetites, rather than allowing them to control you.  As pointed out in scripture, when we allow our appetites to rage out of control and dictate our behaviors, it is easier to spurn God.  While we may not verbally challenge His place, we will question the “rightness” of His way.  In the end, greed can delude us into thinking that we know better than God.

2. Volunteer:  Whether it be at a church event or with your favorite charity, devote some time this holiday season to helping those who are less fortunate.  The best way to stop thinking so much about yourself is to start thinking about others.  As we volunteer and try to make a difference in others’ lives, we naturally desire to give more than to get more.  Flipping the switch and going from getting to giving will help you to be more responsible with and appreciative of what you already possess.

3. Put your dukes up!:  The country in me may be coming out, but we’ve got to fight against greed.  I think greed is core to our human nature.  We want what we want and as soon as we get one thing, we find something else to pine for and pre-occupy our attentions.  Greed is deceptive because it promises that whatever we are desiring will satisfy a core and fundamental need.  We’ve all fallen for it…believing that a pair of shoes will make a huge difference in how we feel about ourselves.

Our need for significance and worth can only be satisfied by one source: Jesus.  Everything else is an empty promise that will lead to more disillusionment.  The natural inclination is to follow that disillusionment down a deeper, darker hole that draws us away from the Savior. 

Live It!  Throughout the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday, be deliberate about practicing the above strategies.  For the next few weeks, journal several times a week on things you are learning.  How are others reacting to your choice to abstain? How are your perspectives about the issues in your life changing as a result of your new choices?


Quoted as one of today's leading motivational speakers by Essence magazine, Leadher Coach Scott™ shares life-changing truths with practical wisdom, humor and insight. Currently, also  a columnist for, her workshops and seminars are popular at women's, singles' and youth conferences.  For more info, also visit or Follow her at


Article originally appeared on News from a faith-based perspective (
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