Don't Retreat!

Dianna Hobbs delivers a compelling word sure to inspire those who feel like giving up due to adversity. This one's a must-listen!




Dianna Hobbs signs with Melanie Pratt and Halo Management.

Do political endorsements still matter today?

Jennifer Hudson in 'awe' of God's blessings.

Andra Day on trusting divine timing

Lauren London talks prayer.

Diddy reportedly going through "hell on earth"


The Hilliard family crisis MORE

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Tony Dungy clashes with VP Harris over abortion  MORE

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You Can Do It, Sis! 5 power-packed and Bible-based principles to help you reach your goals this year

Even though you may be able to identify the specific dreams you are praying to realize, there are inevitably times when you feel like your head is in the clouds and you’re being a tad unrealistic about your potential. But if you let doubt inform your decisions, you’ll give up on the vision before it’s even off the ground.

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Got Too Many Voices In Your Head? How to know when social media becomes toxic

If you’re brave enough to admit that you have not been doing a great job balancing online and offline life, good for you. Reading this article is a great step toward getting things under control so social media will be a helpful asset, not a toxic liability.

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Fake Boaz: 7 red flags that land Mr. Wrong on our ‘Nah sis, he ain’t it’ list

God has a great and Godly man tailormade for you, but the counterfeit always shows up before the real. To avoid being wooed and duped by a slick-tongued cutie, it is crucial that you engage in prayer, use discernment, and develop a biblical take on love and relationships.

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Prayers Up: 14 miners dead in Sudan, dozens injured while digging for gold

Fourteen miners have died and more than 20 have been injured in a mine collapse in Sudan's Northern state, a senior official in state-owned Sudanese Mineral Resources Company told Reuters on Friday.

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Is Michelangelo’s David sculpture poronographic? Some parents think so.

A Michigan college has ended its partnership with a Florida charter school whose principal was forced to resign after a parent complained sixth graders were exposed to pornography during a lesson on Renaissance art that included Michelangelo’s David sculpture.

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Is it possible to be 'too turnt up' to be a Christian?

Is it possible that someone's outsized personality can kick them out of the Christian fold? Is there such a thing as being too "turnt up" to be a Christian?

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Inspiration: Are you being specific enough in your prayer requests to God?

In this powerful devotion, Dianna Hobbs says, you have some pressing needs, concerning situations, and unfortunate circumstances facing you. But God is looking upon your plight with mercy and is asking, what do you specifically want Me to do for you, child?

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Nashville Christian elementary school shooter was transgender, pastor's daughter among the dead

The former student who shot through the doors of a Christian elementary school in Nashville and killed three children and three adults had drawn a detailed map of the school, including potential entry points, and conducted surveillance of the building before carrying out the massacre.

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Russell and Ciara share the gospel at maximum security prison, 27 men gave their lives to Jesus

The charitable football player and singer, known for giving back, recently visited Everglades Correctional Institution in Miami, Florida, with the organization God Behind Bars, where they shared the word of God and worshiped with 300 incarcerated men in the prison's chapel.

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Don't let fear and disappointment stop you from believing God for a turnaround

We must be willing to pray, believe God and risk the challenges that go hand in hand with great victories.  If we add it all up, our gains have been greater than our losses.  

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