See It: The Power of Vision
Sunday, May 6, 2012 at 5:09PM
EEW BUZZ EDITORS in Confidence, Dr. Deana, biblical motivation, deana murphy, motivation, see the vision, story of joseph, the power of vision, vision

“Where there is no vision, the people perish,” the writer of Proverbs 29:18 tells us. Gnawing at my very soul, this passage conversely is saying if we do have vision, we won’t perish. So my question then is why are so many people perishing? Why are so many people being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine? Why are so many people torn, losing hope and giving up?

People are perishing without visions, and many of them are very close to us.

The other day I called my prayer partner when I was perplexed about a situation. She said, “Deana, why are you focusing on ‘that’? Don’t you know all things are possible with God? Where’s your focus girl?”  Like turning a bolt to hastily secure a door, my mind quickly snapped back into focus. A few days prior, I’d allowed an intruder to slip into my thoughts causing short-sightedness of my vision. In thinking about this later, I could now see how easily people can slip into a perishing predicament simply by turning their spiritual eyes away from their dream. This triggered something inside of me and the scripture became a spoken work. There’s limitless power in vision. We perish or cast off restraint without vision! Catch this!

So buckle your seat belts and come along with me for a ride.

If anyone had reason and opportunity to perish, it was Joseph.  In the biblical story, Joseph eventually saw his God-given vision come to pass, but he went through terrible times during his journey. Between his days in his father’s house with his malicious and mischievous siblings, and his days in Pharaoh’s house being falsely accused and imprisoned, Joseph spent many years torn in chaos and discomfort. He was beaten, maligned, ridiculed and forgotten on his journey to realizing his vision.

But Joseph survived. Against all odds, the power of vision achieved his God-given dream.

Like Joseph, God has given you a powerful vision, but somewhere along the way it may have been damaged, diverted and disrupted simply because you’ve possibly compromised under pressure instead of persisting in righteousness. I believe if we would come to grips with the fact that adversity is a part of life, and see obstacles as opportunities, people won’t just cave in so easily. You see, any attack you may be up against now isn’t for today; it is there to abort your wonderful future. You have to fight the good fight of faith and stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.

Like Joseph, God has given you a powerful vision, but somewhere along the way it may have been damaged, diverted and disrupted simply because you’ve possibly compromised under pressure instead of persisting in righteousness.

Never settled for far less than God’s best. Become a modern day Joseph.

Like Joseph, the life of Job is very instructive to us. When we study the lives of these men, notice that not only do they go through afflictions and disappointments, but God uses those very afflictions and disappointments to propel them into the fulfillment of their visions. I challenge you to not give up on yourself. No matter what you’ve been through, the vision is for an appointed time. Write it down in a simple way so it can be understood. Allow yourself to freely think. Don’t put false expectations on yourself. Slip away from people who tell you that you can’t. And never put limitations of time on your vision.

People do influence us at times, and unfortunately because of their opinions, it may take some time to discover what you truly want. Notice how Joseph didn’t follow the crowd. He spent time with God. And oh how I love what he said when he met a seductive cross-road, “How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?" You too can adapt the same mind as Joseph. What God has shown you will ultimately manifest itself if you continue to walk with God and keep your eyes on your vision.

Vision allows you to see what God sees for your future. This is really exciting. He wants you to discern His plans for your future so you can work toward them. If you don’t have a clear vision from God, all you need to do is call to Him and He will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3).

On a side note, I’ve decided to up-level my vision every time the enemy throws me a bone. I want to show that rascal I know who I am and how fearfully and wonderfully I am made. What God has given us and planned for us is supernaturally powerful and cannot be thwarted. Adopt this attitude.

You can begin by faith to think some magnificent thoughts and see some magnificent visions and then begin to take the faith journey toward what you are seeing. Begin today seeing what you cannot see. Begin looking farther than you can see. Begin thanking God for how He’s so wonderfully designed you to create a magnificent future through the power of vision.

If God causes you to see it, the He will help you to achieve it.

Remain confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6).

It starts with your powerful vision.

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