Live Satisfied and Fulfilled 
Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 1:49PM
EEW BUZZ EDITORS in Dr. Deana Murphy, Live Satisfied and Fulfilled, inspiration, motivation, motivation


I have some good news for you this week and can’t wait to share this wonderful revelation. But before I do let me preface what has led up to it. Many of you have been so gracious with your comments and some have even reached out to me privately. Though your stories and situations may vary, the common denominator in them is basically living an unfulfilled or unsatisfied life. I’ve been where each one of you may be right now. But the amazing thing about life is God has given us a life manual for managing every aspect of living. You see, I believe we respect the Bible as simply a religious, holy book instead of what it actually is—a last will and testament guaranteeing a kingdom life of fulfillment, satisfaction and abundance!

So I won’t keep you waiting any longer.

We were not born to be someone’s mother, sister, wife, girlfriend or a businesswoman. Yes, we are all of these, but there’s more. We were not indiscriminately placed in this earth to do as we please, when we please, how we please. Now before you get all peppery, sit tight and read on. I submit to you that each and every one of us was born to lead. As a matter of fact, we were born to be a servant-leader. We’ve been wired for greatness. And we become great by serving our gifts to the world. It’s our earthly assignment.

This defies conventional thinking.

Let me share with you some background. I am really excited about teaching this. Jesus said in Matthew 20:26, “…But whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you. Let him be your slave.” What Jesus is telling us is true greatness in God’s kingdom comes through sacrificial service.  Therefore, the measure of our satisfaction and fulfillment is in how we serve. So what do we serve with? We serve with what God has given us and that’s our gifts!

We were born to serve our gifts to the world.

When we discover our gift, refine our gift, brand our gift and then serve our gift to the world, Jesus said we become great. Each one of us is carrying a divine treasure that the world needs. We are responsible for delivering it to the world.

You don’t have to live an unsatisfied or unfulfilled life. You don’t have to tolerate procrastination or, subordination, sustain limitations or suffer powerlessness. You have a treasure hidden in secret places of your heart. Sadly, many women have yet to discover their true giftedness. And oftentimes when she does, she may listen to the voices of others who want her to be like them, never succeeding, or she listens to her inner critic talking her out of continuing.  I submit to you that your gifting is what you need to design an exceptional life.  Your gifting is what will pull you out of any perishing predicament because when you discover it, you will become so convicted and focused that nothing will be able to stop you.

You were born to make a difference in this world. Stop focusing on your circumstances. Search, dig, resuscitate and rejuvenate your gifts.  You have no time left to wallow in your misery or look back at your past.  It’s time to write that book, sing that song, dance that dance, paint that painting, and study that course. Bring out that which is inside of you and live!

Serve your gifts to the world.

So the question is how and where do you begin? By asking yourself three simple yet profound questions:

When you discover who you are—not what you do or who others say you are—I guarantee you will experience freedom and peace. My question then is, “How badly do you want to serve your gift to the world?”

In the final analysis, doing something you were not born to do and simulating the likes of others, is unsatisfying and unfulfilling.  The same holds true for sitting on your gifts. Your future is not ahead of you. Your future is inside of you. You have the potential to design the life of your dreams by serving your gift to the world. The key is to let this be your focus, not what’s going on around you.

Say this, “I have a divine gift to serve others with a passion to help them improve their lives and maximize their potential.”

Your gift makes room for you and brings you before the great (Prov. 18:16). 

If this has spoken to your heart, please let me hear from you. Leave a comment or contact me at






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