Faith Gives Power Over Pain: When You're Hurting Choose Faith, Not Fear
Monday, March 26, 2012 at 12:39PM

In my last article I shared my cousin’s story about her trusting God in her faith walk.  If you didn’t read that article, you may want to read it here before you continue reading on. This week’s article is especially dedicated to the women who responded in transparency about their own personal stories, and also to those who are facing intimidating challenges.

I wish there were words that I could put on this page that would immediately remove your challenges as soon as your eyes and the words connect, but I can’t. I so desire to pray a prayer for you that will instantly annihilate the situation, pain and suffering, but I can’t. But what I can do is share with you what I know about life, our God, and the faith that he has given to each of us. You have the measure of faith already within you and it is your responsibility to exercise it as you would a bodily muscle so it can grow stronger day by day. I call this living by design.

Pain is a fact of life.

Pain is inevitable. It is the result of hurt or disappointment. Suffering comes from feeling powerless to stop the pain and change it. But suffering is optional. What do I mean by this?  You are not powerless with regards to your suffering. You are powerful in easing the pain and problem through your faith. God already knows how powerful and wonderfully designed you are to allow you to go through this pain and problem understanding that even through it you will still expand and grow.

There is always a lesson learned in trials. God has a bigger plan in all of this. A plan for you to work, grow and expand so there is more of you to give to those you love. You were put here for such a time as this because you have in you more than enough.

Read the full article here...

Article originally appeared on News from a faith-based perspective (
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