How to Get Through Life’s Storms
Sunday, November 18, 2012 at 6:03PM
EEW BUZZ EDITORS in Caribbean storm Sandy, Dr. Deana, Dr. Deana Murphy, Faith, Hurrican Sandy victims Caribbean, Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Sandy victims, Storms of Life, handling life's storms, how to get through life's storms

Our neighbors and friends here on the East Coast, namely New Jersey and New York, suffered a tremendous disaster when storm Sandy forcefully pounded her way in last month. Also included were the neighborhoods of the Caribbean. I heard unconfirmed reports of Caribbean deaths numbering around sixty-six. 

Many are now homeless and they don't have the infrastructure as we have here in the U.S, especially Haiti. There are never enough words that can express the concern for the pain that one suffers in a disastrous storm like Sandy.

Many times, just like natural storms, life's storms blindside us and we face the question: how do we get through this one? Some experience the death of hope and loss of expectation. But if you look back over your life you will see that you have already overcome many storms and by God's grace, made it to the other side.

When Jesus told his disciples to get into the boat and go to the other side of the lake, he already knew beforehand the storm they would face (see Mark 4:35). But Jesus wanted them to go anyway. Was He so unconcerned about them that He encouraged them into harm’s way? Was He inconsiderate of the possibility their boat would be destroyed? Did Jesus simply want the men to squirm in fear that they would perish while He was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion?

In your own life, do you actually believe that Jesus is merely relaxing through your storms of life?

Of course He’s not.

Just as in Mark 4:40 when Jesus rebuked the wind and waves with His words, He then asked the men a question that is important. He said, “Where is your faith?” I believe he is today asking you the very same question.

Where’s your faith?

Without it, when storms arise, we will react to circumstances instead of responding to them. The disciples “reacted” to the storm with fear and emotion. Jesus, on the other hand, “responded” to the storm with power and authority.

You also, my sisters, have this very same authority. God has given the Believer authority and victory in both the natural and spiritual realm. Notice what the Bible says in these verses:

 “What is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us that believe” (Ephesians 1:19); “Far above all principality, and power, and might and dominion, and every name that is named” (1:21); God gave all that authority to His body, the church (1:22-23). Who is the church? Of course, we are!

So ladies I say to you, rise up in your power and authority!

Get an Attitude. Storms of life will certainly come. Be determined to go through these storms with an attitude…an attitude that you are more than a conqueror in Christ! Take it a step further. Determine beforehand that you will keep a positive attitude in the midst of every negative situation that comes against you. By making this decision you will begin to meditate on it in your preparation for handling life’s situations with an attitude of power and authority.

Sandy is Gone: Storms Don’t Last. I love the old saying that, “Trouble don’t last always.” I know it isn’t proper English. However, the point is that storms come and they go. Don’t allow them to park in your driveway of life. Don’t dwell on them. Have you ever seen the winter season holding on to the bareness of the trees or the cold temperatures? No! It graciously allows spring to emerge into summer because it understands and knows that it is just a season. Seasons come and go in our lives and often, how long they remain is determined by how we “react” to them. Complaining and being discouraged prolongs the season. Instead, become responsive by simply asking God to teach you something valuable as you press through these times. James 1:2–3 tells us God uses trials and pressure to produce good results in our lives. Looking back, did the other storms last? This one won’t either.

Jesus Rested and So Should You. Sometimes the worst thing you can do is get caught up in the storm and begin to make tough decisions in an emotionally vulnerable state. Rest!  I’ve learned to never hastily make decisions while going through challenges and difficulties. Resting in the quietness of God’s grace will open your mind and heart to his wisdom. While Jesus was napping on that boat during that storm, when He awoke, He was able to download instructions from the Father in a state of tranquility. He calmly arose and said, “Peace! Be Still.” Take a lesson from him and speak to your life’s storms.

Right now you’re either in a storm, coming out of a storm or on your way into a storm. But wherever you are, Jesus is ever present in the midst of all of it. As long as He’s there, you will not be overtaken. Negative thoughts will always try to get the best of you. Your emotions want you to continue the cycle of “reacting” frantically instead of “responding” faith-fully. But remember, every Believer has God’s power and authority to get through it.

Won’t you use yours today?

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Article originally appeared on News from a faith-based perspective (
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