Power Up with a ‘Personal Retreat’
Sunday, October 7, 2012 at 2:15PM
EEW BUZZ EDITORS in Dr. Deana, Prayer

nside of me was a ball of fire waiting to be released and I then knew I had to find a place of solitude. Those with my best interest at heart were sharing their suggestions and opinions on my situation while I was yelling to them from within, “Enough is enough. Just leave me alone!”  There was just too much noise in my life.

I don’t know about you but sometimes I have to remove myself from those I love so dearly and replenish my soul so I can reconnect with my own needs and wants. Recently I had to pull away to engage in some creative play. I teach women all the time to reach deep within to discover their hidden treasures. I so wanted some time to search out my own that had been craving to be discovered. This can be a powerful, revitalizing experience.

I highly recommend you do the same.

I call it my own ‘personal retreat.’ You may be seeking answers or needing to reconnect with the Lord or just wanting to rest and refresh yourself. Take time out for yourself. My personal retreats are often right here inside my home. Yes, you can engage in personal time at home. You don’t have to pack a bag and take a trip to enjoy the power of a personal retreat.

I remember one time I took my phone off the hook for an entire day and spent time alone to read. And the most significant part of this retreat is I didn’t speak a word! Now ladies you know how we like to sometimes talk to ourselves. I know I am not the only one. But this day I purposefully kept quiet. Alongside me was my journal for jotting down those ideas that came seemingly out of nowhere. I couldn’t grab the phone to share my ideas with my girlfriend (which, by the way is a sure way of allowing your dreams to properly marinate and birth naturally without them being analyzed, judged or criticized).

I’ve taken these kinds of ‘in-home’ getaways to encourage myself and sort through an emotionally charged issue.  I’ve taken time to work on myself. I start off with prayer and my journal asking God to reveal areas I need to grow and upgrade. I also ask Him to show me where I’ve gotten off track and what the next season of my purpose will entail and how I need to prepare for it.  You may need some time to heal from a loss, hurt, or draw closer to God or even make some personal improvements or just soak in the tub without any interruptions.

Today there are scores of things coming at us from every side. Noise is everywhere. Knowing where to turn, what to do and more importantly, when to act or proceed on a thing can be heavily weighing on our hearts. We make the decisions for our children, our families and then professional decisions. But are we accurate in our choices? Is our perspective based on purpose or on reality?  Do we blame others or even God when faced with difficult or confusing circumstances? Do we put ourselves in the middle of our circumstances and then try to look at God through them? When we move forward in the wrong direction do we say, “God, you knew this wasn’t the right thing to do. Why didn’t you stop me?”

A whole lot of wrong conclusions can result if we try to look at God from the middle of a painful circumstance. When the clatter, clutter and clanging in our heads becomes overbearing, stop! Prepare personal time to recharge and rethink the matters at hand. First thing is you must ask God’s forgiveness for shifting the blame over on Him or others.

Begin by taking an hour in the middle of your day or at the end of the day to unwind your mind and transition from reality to relationship. Begin asking God questions like, “What can I change about me or in my life?  God, what are you saying to me in this situation?  How can I get over the fear and move forward? What do I need right now? Is there something else I should be doing other than what I’m doing right now?

Give yourself a personal retreat vacation. Take the Lord along with you as your guide. Together you can pinpoint problems, streamline solutions, identify any hang-ups or mental roadblocks and move past any hindrances and personal barriers.

A personal retreat is your time to power-up and begin a journey of living by design.

Please share with me your thoughts and let me know if this article has empowered you. Leave a comment below or email me at dm@eewmagazine.com.

Article originally appeared on News from a faith-based perspective (https://buzz.eewmagazine.com/).
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