From Toleration to Transformation: Are You Tolerating What Needs to Change?
Sunday, January 15, 2012 at 2:34PM
EEW BUZZ EDITORS in Dr. Deana Murphy, Patience, Tolerating what needs to change, Toleration to transformation, or changing, patience, tolerate, tolerating


We paid for our groceries and were nearing the exit door when I remembered that I’d forgotten the onions. Leaving the grocery cart with me by the door, my husband scooted over to the produce section to get the onions. I watched him from where I stood. Smiling and greeting people entering and exiting the supermarket, I’d forgotten about him.  But after what seemed a long while it dawned on me that he was taking an awful long time. By now I’d become antsy. My smile abruptly transformed into a frustrated frown. I could still see him from where I stood with the groceries. He was going from one isle of produce to another and I was wondering, “What is he doing?” “I’d only asked for onions!”

I was about to call out to him in my frustration but I thought it wouldn’t be at all kosher.  He was taking so long. But you know what, something very strange happened at that very moment. I heard myself say, “Okay Lord, I am going to let patience have its perfect work.” Did I say that? Now I have to be honest here. I was not thinking about being patient nor did I want to be. But God obviously used this opportunity to show me I needed to check my tolerance level. Those words literally spun in my spirit and dropped out of my mouth.

I was setting myself up to ruin my afternoon over the triviality of having to wait an extra few minutes while my husband played musical aisles. (This is supposed to be funny here). But the point is we allow ourselves to be perturbed over the slightest we oftentimes cannot control. I truly believe it is possible to amuse and motivate ourselves beyond life’s annoyances. We should be so aware of our ordained assignment to the point that little annoyances will just roll off of our backs. I’m not claiming this to be easy. But we mess up by programming our minds on the pressure and not our purpose.

God’s purpose for our lives can be delayed.

If we take the time to get to know ourselves and focus on the specific plan for our lives, we will easily foresee the sinister tricks of the enemy. Because then it will become clear that those mishaps have no place in our future. No longer will we allow ourselves to be caught up in a whirlwind of impatience and irritation.  

I’ve heard people say, “Well that’s just the way I am.” “I’m wired this way.” I believe we make too many excuses. I even dare to say that it is tolerations. Tolerations are those silent killers that keep you from your mission, take you off focus, ruin your day and interrupt your destiny.

We tolerate the person we were not designed to become.

Let’s examine toleration with a different twist. No doubt women have learned to master toleration. We put up with things and don’t know why. We accept things without question. We take on too many responsibilities. We’re pulled down by those we love. We allow friends to drain our precious time.  We take on situations that were created by no fault of our own. We say yes when we should say no.

And then we become distracted and delay our God ordained assignment.

Let me clarify that there are some uncontrollable challenges. You can’t avoid every encounter. And then there are some challenges that are designed to help you grow. Your personal walk with the Lord will help in discerning the difference. But I want you to see that you don’t have to be tied down with excuses to tolerate certain things.

Don’t succumb to the tricks of the devil. Pick yourself up and dream the impossible. Don’t allow day-to-day mishaps steer you off-course. Stay focused on what’s in your heart. God wants you to excel beyond your wildest dreams. If you were raised in a discouraged, depressed, down in the dumps environment, you must stop using this as an excuse to tolerate a life of much the same. You don’t have to keep the generational cycle going. Break the chain and tolerate it no more!

Don’t Panic. Your biggest mistakes will usually happen during the first few moments of a satanic attack. Be still. Stop and listen carefully to the inner voice of the Holy Spirit. Use patience as your weapon. It will force deception to reveal itself. The devil is always in a rush. Time is your friend. Remember this.

Become ruthless with distractions. Your success cannot survive broken focus.  I am diligently working on this myself. Concentrate on the good future God has prepared for you. Take time to do this. Schedule your time and stick to it. There will be no room for distractions.

I am reminded of a quote by Robert F. Kennedy that says, “There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why…I dream of things that never were, and ask, why not?”

Take the challenge.

Dare to dream of things that never were and ask, “Why not me?”  You can be a history maker just like Jesus. Jesus was focused, he was a tomorrow thinker, he tolerated no one but respected authority and he avoided distractions. Don’t look at your past or your present, but see the reality of your future.

Really, what are you tired of tolerating? Take the next step and do something about it.  Design your ideal life with no more excuses.

I want to hear from you. You may contact me at

Dr. Deana is a Marketplace Minister and founder and CEO of LivingDesigns360, a company that mentors the kingdom-minded woman in creative ways to renovate and design her interior life so she can create major breakthroughs, achieve personal accountability, emotional clarity and inner direction. Also a master lifedesign strategist, speaker, educator, blogger and award winning author, Dr. Deana’s creative approach embraces techniques from interior design. She takes her 13 years’ experience as a certified interior designer and successfully applies it to the art of Interior Lifedesign, blending in a focus on personal development and life improvement strategies from head to toe. Clients work with Dr. Deana through private strategy sessions, workshops, group mentoring programs, keynotes and retreats. Her mission: to elevate, educate and motivate the Kingdom woman so she can master her confidence, soar in her freedom and design her best life.

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